What Are You Reading? (+ Sarah MacLean Giveaway)

Posted September 13, 2019 by Casee in Features, Giveaways | 14 Comments

Casee: My reading this week wasn’t that much better than last week. I’m actually rather disappointed in myself. I’ve only read about three sentences of Lethal Nights by Lora Leigh since last Friday. See? Pathetic.

I’m listening to Take This Regret by A.L. Jackson. I’m not quite sure how I feel about it yet.

Holly: I finished Ain’t He Precious by Juliette Poe (aka Sawyer Bennett), which I’ll admit was pretty lame. I started listening to Satisfaction Guaranteed by Lauren Blakely after that, but I got distracted and stopped 1/4 of the way in. I’ll get back to it eventually. I was in the mood for a comfort read so I picked up The Secret by Julie Garwood, then read Ransom after. That’s it for me this week. My mom had surgery and my daughter broke her wrist, so it’s been crazy at Casa de Holly lately. Let’s hope this week is better.

Rowena: Oh yikes, I’m really late with this today. Sorry, time got away from me today. Right now, I’m reading Bringing Down the Duke by Evie Dunmore and so far, it’s okay. I’m not really blown away by anything going on but it’s still early days so I’m hoping that it will pick up. Wish me luck! After this, I’ll be jumping into Well Met by Jen Deluca and I’m excited about that.

Giveaway Alert

We are very fortunate here at Book Binge. We have loads and loads of books to read and we want to share the wealth so each week, we’ll be tacking on a Freebie Friday giveaway to our What Are You Reading posts. This week, we’re giving away…

What Are You Reading? (+ Sarah MacLean Giveaway)Wicked and the Wallflower by Sarah MacLean
Series: The Bareknuckle Bastards #1
Also in this series: Wicked and the Wallflower, Brazen and the Beast
Publisher: Avon
Publication Date: June 19, 2018
Format: Print
Genres: Historical Romance
Pages: 396
Add It: Goodreads
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | The Ripped Bodice | Google Play Books
Series Rating: four-stars

When Wicked Comes Calling...

When a mysterious stranger finds his way into her bedchamber and offers his help in landing a duke, Lady Felicity Faircloth agrees—on one condition. She's seen enough of the world to believe in passion, and won't accept a marriage without it.

The Wallflower Makes a Dangerous Bargain...

Bastard son of a duke and king of London's dark streets, Devil has spent a lifetime wielding power and seizing opportunity, and the spinster wallflower is everything he needs to exact a revenge years in the making. All he must do is turn the plain little mouse into an irresistible temptress, set his trap, and destroy his enemy.

For the Promise of Passion...

But there's nothing plain about Felicity Faircloth, who quickly decides she'd rather have Devil than another. Soon, Devil's carefully laid plans are in chaos, and he must choose between everything he's ever wanted...and the only thing he's ever desired.

What are you reading this week? Any new favorites or books that drove you crazy? Share!

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14 responses to “What Are You Reading? (+ Sarah MacLean Giveaway)

  1. Diane Sallans

    I’m reading Teresa Medeiros’s The Temptation of Your Touch – it’s from 2013. I had read the first in the duo several years ago. I enjoy Teresa’s bit of humor in her stories.

  2. DiscoDollyDeb

    I read Kati Wilde’s latest Dead Lands fantasy novel, THE MIDNIGHT BRIDE, which was sexy, fun, and totally over-the-tip. I’m now reading Sybil Bartel’s latest Alpha Bodyguard book, CALLOUS, which has the “friend’s sister is forbidden” trope, but also includes some rather melancholy scenes where it’s clear the hero has PTSD (he’s a war veteran) which manifests itself with an obsessive compulsion to constantly catalog time, measurements, sounds, and sights.

  3. Kareni

    Holly, here’s hoping for a better week next week for your mother, daughter, and you. Rowena, I hope your father is doing better.

  4. Kareni

    I’m participating in a reading challenge on a different site, which is why I’m more verbose than usual.

    For Judge a Book By Its Cover –

    The cover of Anhaga by Lisa Henry shows a raven with a tower, castle, and other buildings superimposed upon it; it’s quite eye-catching.

    This story is set in a medieval type world where magic (hedgewitches, sorcerers, and necromancers, oh my!) is commonplace and the fae are feared. Our hero is Min, a man of few coins and questionable morals, who comes to the rescue of his adopted nephew when he is caught bedding a young noblewoman. Harry, the nephew, is cursed and will die within weeks if Min does not carry out a task. That task is to travel to Anhaga to retrieve a young hedgewitch, Kazimir, who did not return home after his apprenticeship. Once home, Kaz will be forced to marry his uncle and bow to the will of his evil grandfather. Min can either save his nephew or Kaz but not both. I really liked this story and recommend it.

    For the Older or Younger Hero challenge:

    I read Exit Plans for Teenage Freaks by ‘Nathan Burgoine which was a quick and FUN read. The story takes place over a couple of weeks when Cole, who is about to graduate from high school, discovers that he can teleport. Cole is a game playing nerd (Onirim, anyone?) who has wonderful parents, a supportive teacher, and a diverse group of friends in his school Rainbow club. He has a crush on a fellow student, and there is someone who might be stalking him. This is a decidedly G rated romance; I’d recommend it to teens and adults.
    * *
    I read Murder in the Blood (The Doyle & Acton Murder Series Book 10) by Anne Cleeland which I quite enjoyed. This is a series that definitely needs to be read in order, so if interested begin with Murder in Thrall.

    I also reread SK Dunstall’s Alliance and Confluence once again.

  5. Glenda M

    I’ve got 2 books going My Once and Future Duke by Caroline Linden (just started it) and Sophie Darling’s Her Midnight Sin.

  6. Kim

    I just finished Lorraine Heath’s latest book, The Duchess in His Bed. Her writing is always good, but the hero & heroine fell in love too quickly.

  7. Anita H.

    I just finished Mad For The Plaid by Karen Hawkins, it was a fun read. I really enjoyed the heroine being independent and not backing down from the hero when he tried to take over

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