Tag: Kimberly Dean

Guest Review: Ghost Flute by Kimberly Dean

Posted August 13, 2010 by Book Binge Guest Blogger in Reviews | 3 Comments

Tracy’s review of Ghost Flute by Kimberly Dean

Serena Little Feather is hoping to reconnect with her heritage when she agrees to house-sit on the Lower Brule Sioux Reservation. She just never realized how close to the past she’d get.

At night, Serena hears a flute playing behind the house. The music is haunting and seductive, rousing intense feelings of lust. But music isn’t the only lust-inspiring thing in her life. Her neighbor Chayton is dark and sexy, but she’s been warned against him. She doesn’t know which scares her more—the overwhelming pull of the music or her attraction to the bad boy.

Chayton wants his beautiful neighbor. Their kisses sizzle and their touches burn, but the music she’s hearing worries him. Legend tells of a Sioux brave who’d lured many women with his flute playing. He’d seduced them and cast them aside—until he was found dead with a knife in his stone heart. It was said that the brave’s spirit still roamed the countryside, playing his songs and looking for love. Every so often, a pretty girl responded. Chayton fears that this time, the pretty girl is Serena.

Serena’s not sure what’s happening. She hears wonderful flute music at night and is drawn to go to it. It makes her sexually hot and she needs to have her lust slaked. One night when she’s heading into the woods she’s stopped by Chayton – the man who lives next door to her aunt and uncle whom she’s house sitting for. He brings her out of her haze but is concerned with why she’s in the woods in the first place. The daze doesn’t stop her from being afraid of Chayton. Serena’s heard that he’s got a bad rep and she wants nothing to do with him – even if her body does.

Chayton isn’t the bad guy Serena believes him to be. He wants Serena in a bad way but he wants to protect her from the evil spirit that is trying to claim her more.

As good as the story was I did find myself wanting more of Chayton and Serena’s relationship. Yes, they had a great sexual relationship and definitely a special bond between them – which Dean does so well, but I personally felt that there could have been more of the two getting to know each other.

The book is interesting as it follows the old legend of the ghost flute. That, as well as some of the other Sioux information that was provided in the book, made it very readable. The protectiveness and caring that Chayton showed Serena, even though she thought him a bad person, was something that I loved to read about. I’ve read a few other books by Dean and her heroes always are taking care of the women – but in a good way – not trying to run their lives. Definitely a good, quick and interesting read.

Rating: 3.75 out of 5

You can read more from Tracy at Tracy’s Place

This book is available from Ellora’s Cave. You can buy it here in e-format.

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What I Read Last Week

Posted July 5, 2010 by Tracy in Features | 10 Comments

Happy Monday!

I hope you all had a good week last week.  I seriously did not. lol  It was really the week from hell.  I’m getting ready to go on vacation and there’s always so much work to do in preparation that sometimes it just doesn’t feel like it’s worth the effort.  Of course I won’t say that once I’m actually on vacation. 🙂  More about that in another post.

On to what I read last week.  Fair warning…most of what I read was for review on The Book Binge as I was catching up with reviews before vacation.  Most were novella’s or shorts:

First up was Experimenting With Ed by Katie Allen.  Novella – Read for The Book Binge.  This was a damn good story about a women scientist, her boss who’s after her and Ed.  Ed is a quiet, unassuming, soft spoken man who has no clue who he really is.  He’s been altered, along with 4 other men, by the government to be the perfect soldier – but they all escaped.  Reading about Ed and Claire and their race to get away from Claire’s boss was great and funny too.  I just love Allen’s writing.  4.5 out  of 5

Next I read Snow Play by Barbara Elsborg. Read for The Book Binge.  This was a cute little quickie about a woman who goes on vacation and has a rotten time.  When things seem to be going as bad as they can she meets Zach and has a great time.  My first read by Elsborg but I liked her writing style and humor – I’ll have to look into reading more of her books. 4 out of 5

After that it was Take It Off, Warrior by Eliza Knight. Read for The Book Binge.  A cute novella about a women interviewing strippers for her friends’ bachelorette party and ends up meeting the time travelling warrior of her dreams.

Next was Ghost Flute by Kimberly Dean.  Novella – Read for The Book Binge.  Another good novella that takes place on an Indian reservation.  It involves a legend about a ghost playing a flute that lures women in a sexual way.  While house sitting Serena is being pulled by the music of the flute while Chayton, the man who’s attracted to her tries to stop it all. 3.75 out of 5

Winner Takes All by Jenny Urban and Elizabeth Silver was my next read.  This was a very hot book about 2 friends who make a bet and one literally has his ass on the line. You can read my review here. 3.75 out of 5

Good Cop, Bad Girl by Paige Tyler was next on the agenda.  Quickie – Read for The Book Binge.   I gotta say – right off – that this is my second book by Tyler and they are some good, cute reads.  However, of both of those books the covers have been horrid.  What is with that?  The poor woman! There are some EC Exotika books that have some decent covers…hers aren’t any of them.  Anyway, a cute story about a woman who is having a birthday party at her home and her and her friends are a little too loud.  A copy comes to the door to give her a citation for being too loud and she thinks he’s a stripper posing as a cop.  Oops.  She’s thrilled of course when he comes back later to give her her birthday spanking. 3.75 out of 5  You can read my review here.

My next read was Tropical Exposure by Wynter Daniels. Quickie – Read for The Book Binge.   The story of a famous woman who just wants to go on vacation and have some peace and quiet.  What she gets is two weeks of smexin with her bodyguards.  But one is actually a tabloid reporter.  What will happen?  Cute story. 3.5 out of 5

I started reading Demon Blood by Meljean Brook earlier in the week and after 2 chapters decided that I wanted to re-read Demon Forged again.  Let me tell you it was just as good the second time around…maybe better than the first.  I just love the series and this book has so much going on that it’s mind boggling – but it never was too much.  Love it! 5 out of 5 (again)

I read Demon Blood by Meljean Brook right after that and it was great.  I read a review by Ana at The Book Smugglers that says it perfectly:“If Demon Forged was essentially a Big Picture book without losing sight of the romance then Demon Blood is a Romance book without losing sight of the Big Picture”.  Rosalia and Deacon’s story. Just a darned good read.  Also read for The Book Binge. 4.5 out of 5

And last on the list was Two-Week Trial by Missy Jane. Novella – Read for The Book Binge. A cute novella about a wealthy man who finds the woman he’s wanted for years and goes about winning her over.  The woman is leery since she doesn’t think much of herself but eventually gives in to a two week trial.  3 out of 5

I just read over my summaries and realized that this was obviously the “cute” week. lol  Yes, a lot of the books were cute.  

My reviews that posted at The Book Binge this week:
Kidnapping Kara by Alyssa Brooks
Good Cop, Bad Girl by Paige Tyler
Lion’s Heat by Lora Leigh

Also, my entire list of reads from June is up here.

Happy Reading!

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What I’ve Been Reading This Week

Posted June 1, 2008 by Tracy in Features | 7 Comments

OMG what a crazy week. My biggest kick of the week was gathering the covers to post on the blog. Holy shit – some are absolutely hilarious, what the fuck were they thinking covers! I feel for those authors who have no control over what their covers will look like – that would drive me nuts!

I started my reading week off reading Fallen by Erin McCarthy (RAW author) and had to put it aside…it just wasn’t doing it for me. I plan on going back to it at some point so I have hopes it will get better. It wasn’t awful by any means but there are so many books out there I want to read – I needed to move on at the time!

Fever by Kimberly Dean is a novella that I’ve read before. I’m not sure what attracts me to this book…possibly the hot hero who willingly takes care of the oh so ill heroine. Not sure but it’s a good one.

I was kind of in a Kimberly Dean mood after reading Fever so I moved on to another novella of hers, Hypnotica. A very shy girl goes on a cruise with her sister and brother-in-law, but also his brother who she finds very attractive. She’s put under hypnosis while on the ship and you can only imagine what a shy girl can do when the trigger word is spoken. Apparently the guy on the cover wants to sun himself at night – having nothing whatsover to do with the book. Hmmmm.

Trying to read at least a RAW author a week I read a couple of shorts by Shiloh Walker: Ghost of A Chance and Whipped Cream and Handcuffs. Let me just say that they were cute but I could have made it through life without reading them. And let me say – these to covers…Bwahahahaha!

After all of those shorts and novellas I was very excited to star Damien by Jacquelyn Frank (RAW author). I thought it was great and can hardly wait to read the 5th and final chapter in the Nightwalkers Series, Noah.

So as you can see by an earlier post I listed a few books and asked which one I should read next…well I decided to go with The Spymaster’s Lady since I’d heard such good things about it. Oh.My.God. That was one damn good read. Get thee to the bookstore and buy that book cuz it’s a keeper! What a great way to end the reading week. Ok – so technically Sunday is the beginning of the week but it’s the end of my reading week so just deal!

Happy Reading!

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