OMG what a crazy week. My biggest kick of the week was gathering the covers to post on the blog. Holy shit – some are absolutely hilarious, what the fuck were they thinking covers! I feel for those authors who have no control over what their covers will look like – that would drive me nuts!

Fever by Kimberly Dean is a novella that I’ve read before. I’m not sure what attracts me to this book…possibly the hot hero who willingly takes care of the oh so ill heroine. Not sure but it’s a good one.

I was kind of in a Kimberly Dean mood after reading Fever so I moved on to another novella of hers, Hypnotica. A very shy girl goes on a cruise with her sister and brother-in-law, but also his brother who she finds very attractive. She’s put under hypnosis while on the ship and you can only imagine what a shy girl can do when the trigger word is spoken. Apparently the guy on the cover wants to sun himself at night – having nothing whatsover to do with the book. Hmmmm.
Trying to read at least a RAW author a week I read a couple of shorts by Shiloh Walker: Ghost of A Chance and Whipped Cream and Handcuffs. Let me just say that they were cute but I could have made it through life without reading them. And let me say – these to covers…Bwahahahaha!
After all of those shorts and novellas I was very excited to star Damien by Jacquelyn Frank (RAW author). I thought it was great and can hardly wait to read the 5th and final chapter in the Nightwalkers Series, Noah.

So as you can see by an earlier post I listed a few books and asked which one I should read next…well I decided to go with The Spymaster’s Lady since I’d heard such good things about it. Oh.My.God. That was one damn good read. Get thee to the bookstore and buy that book cuz it’s a keeper! What a great way to end the reading week. Ok – so technically Sunday is the beginning of the week but it’s the end of my reading week so just deal!
Whipped cream and handcuffs? *snort giggle giggle snort*
Joanna Bourne actually wrote a book 25 years ago and vanished and now came back with Spymaster’s Lady.
Isn’t TSL a great one???? And *laughing* aren’t you glad you listened to us?
I AM glad I listened to you all – it was just incredible!
I know – some of those Ellora’s Cave books have some funny ass names – as well as covers! – Thank heavens it was only 28 pages!
If you like those covers, take a look at this web-site. This guy has spoofed the old romance book covers. Some of them are way too funny.
Well it looked like it cut off the web address so, go to:
Click on Enter
Click on Features
Click on Longmire does Romance Novels.
I loved TSL — and Fever, too. It’s one of those novella’s that just works, all the way around. I haven’t tried Hypnotica, but I should look it up. KD hasn’t let me down yet.
I have Damien, but haven’t had time yet to get to it. Grr. I also have Fallen, but still haven’t read the first in the series (My Immortal).
Shiloh is always great (I’m reading her Through the Veil now — also really good stuff).
OMG Hi Meljean! *waves*
I have the Kimberly Dean On the Prowl but haven’t read it yet. I just bought my CRACK aka Black Dagger Brotherhood so I’ll not be doing anything until that’s done – kids don’t get fed, or bathed…homework – pffft!
Jen those cover spoofs are freakin hilarious!