Publisher: Harper Collins

Review: The Duchess in His Bed by Lorraine Heath

Review: The Duchess in His Bed by Lorraine Heath

The Duchess in His Bed is the fourth book in the Sins for All Seasons series by Lorraine Heath and it follows another Trewlove brother as he follows his heart toward true love. It took me a while to read this one but that had more to do with my the massive reading slump that […]

What Are You Reading? (+ Candis Terry Giveaway)

What Are You Reading? (+ Candis Terry Giveaway)

Casee: I’m reading a series by Michele Mills who is a new-to-me author. The series is called Catastrophe. It’s set in a post-apocalypse world. I am loving it. I’m currently on the second book, Kill for Me. I am really enjoying how intense the characters and their relationships are. They’re just adapting to the new […]

What Are You Reading? (+ Sarah MacLean Giveaway)

What Are You Reading? (+ Sarah MacLean Giveaway)

Casee: My reading this week wasn’t that much better than last week. I’m actually rather disappointed in myself. I’ve only read about three sentences of Lethal Nights by Lora Leigh since last Friday. See? Pathetic. I’m listening to Take This Regret by A.L. Jackson. I’m not quite sure how I feel about it yet. Holly: […]

Review: Brazen and the Beast by Sarah MacLean

Review: Brazen and the Beast by Sarah MacLean

Brazen and the Beast is the second book in the Bareknuckle Bastards series by Sarah MacLean and it’s been getting great early reviews from all over so I was pretty excited to read it. I’m even more stoked that I agree with all of the early reviews. This book was fantastic and I absolutely adored […]

Review: Diamond Fire by Ilona Andrews

Review: Diamond Fire by Ilona Andrews

This book is the bridge between Nevada’s story and Catalina’s story. I wasn’t sure I would really like Catalina. She was okay, but Nevada and Arabella are my favorite, followed by Leon. I’m happy to say that I was wrong. Catalina was a breath of fresh air. I’m really looking forward to continuing this series. […]