Magic Gifts by Ilona Andrews
Series: Kate Daniels #5.4
Also in this series: Magic Shifts, Magic Shifts, Magic Binds, Magic Bites, Magic Strikes, Iron and Magic, Magic Triumphs, Magic Bites, Magic Bleeds , Magic Burns, Magic Strikes , Magic Slays , Gunmetal Magic , Magic Rises , Magic Strikes, Magic Mourns, Magic Bleeds, Magic Dreams, Magic Slays, Gunmetal Magic, Magic Rises, Magic Tests, Magic Stars, Magic Shifts, Magic Steals, Magic Breaks, Magic Breaks, Iron and Magic, Magic Binds, Magic Triumphs , Magic Triumphs, Magic Claims
Publisher: Self-Published
Publication Date: December 24, 2011
Format: eBook
Source: Purchased
Point-of-View: First
Cliffhanger: View Spoiler »
Genres: Urban Fantasy
Pages: 100
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Series Rating:

Dinner date after a hard workday should be heavenly. Of course, dates between the Beast Lord and Kate Daniels don’t always go as planned. Undead run amok, heads are chopped off, lawyers are deployed with extreme prejudice, and drunk vikings call people out.
Novella is after Magic Slays, same time as Andrea in Gunmetal Magic, both intersect.
Note: This novella can be found at the end of the Kindle edition of Gunmetal Magic.
This was a short read that takes place during Andrea and Raphael’s book, Gunmetal Magic. Instead of following Andrea and Raphael, this one is all Kate and Curran. They’re trying to go on a date but being who they are, they can’t just go on regular dates like normal people. Trouble follows them around like the plague and it found them before their dinner order could be delivered.
These little short stories shouldn’t be as good as they are. They’re too short but holy cow does Ilona Andrews find a way to make things work and make them good. This was another read that I ate right up. I just adore this series and reading it all in order, while everything is fresh in my head is the way to go. It’s one of the only reasons that I haven’t kicked myself for waiting so hot damn long to read this series. All of the books are out so I can read the heck out of them, one right after the other without any waiting. This is great, you guys!
This book features all of the reasons that I love both Curran and Kate. They’re such great characters on their own but I really enjoy seeing them together. There is nothing boring about them or their lives and I will probably be re-reading these books over and over again for the rest of my life. This was another great addition to an already fabulous series so I definitely recommend it.
Grade: 4.25 out of 5
Kate Daniels

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