Iron Kissed by Patricia Briggs
Series: Mercy Thompson #3
Also in this series: Frost Burned , Night Broken, Shifting Shadows, Blood Bound, Fire Touched, Silence Fallen , Moon Called, Blood Bound , Bone Crossed , River Marked , Frost Burned, Storm Cursed , Night Broken, Fire Touched, Storm Cursed, Smoke Bitten
Publisher: Ace
Publication Date: January 2, 2008
Format: eBook
Source: Purchased
Point-of-View: First
Genres: Paranormal Romance
Pages: 287
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I could smell her fear, and it satisfied something deep inside me that had been writhing under her cool, superior gaze. I curled my upper lip so she could get a good look at my sharp teeth. I might only weigh thirty or so pounds in my coyote shape, but I was a predator...
Mechanic Mercy Thompson can shift her shape - but not her loyalty. When her former boss and mentor is arrested for murder and left to rot behind bars by his own kind, it's up to Mercy to clear his name, whether he wants her to or not.
Mercy's loyalty is under pressure from other directions, too. Werewolves are not known for their patience, and if Mercy can't decide between the two she cares for, Sam and Adam may make the choice for her...
In Iron Kissed, we are back in Mercy Thompson’s world and the fae need her help. When Zee, the fae that Mercy bought her mechanic shop from, needs Mercy’s help in sniffing out a murderer, Mercy doesn’t hesitate to help out. When that help turns into trouble for Zee, Mercy can’t and won’t turn away from a friend in need, no matter that he doesn’t want her help. Mercy is going to find out what’s going on and she’s going to clear Zee’s name and get him out of jail. The fae? Well, they can be pissed off all they want, but Mercy is going to do what she feels is right no matter what. Her friend is innocent, so let the investigation begin…
Rowena: Holy cow, I knew that this was going to be an emotional read for me because both you and Ames told me that you guys cried but I wasn’t expecting this book. Not, at all. I couldn’t stop reading the book either. I was engaged from beginning to end. My emotions were involved because my heart broke for Mercy, for Adam, for Ben. For everyone. This book, man…gah.
What did you think?
Holly: This is such a rough, emotional book. I always get swept up in Briggs’ books, but this one grabbed me right away. My emotions were all over the place. I ugly cried.
Rowena: So did I. I mean, how could you not?
I thought the entire story was well written. It was rough to get through but the beginning definitely led to the end and Briggs really takes the reader on an emotional journey.
Holly: I thought the beginning was a little slow, too, but it picked up quickly and I easily fell into it. I loved all the Fae stuff and how we saw more of Mercy’s relationship with Bran through what Samuel said. Mercy has always felt like she was just barely tolerated, and I loved it when Samuel was like “My dad will wage war for Mercy” and she was all surprised. <3
Rowena: The fae stuff was interesting, too. I wondered what the hell was up with that walking stick that kept showing up wherever Mercy went. I was also curious about who the hell the murderer was. I also really loved that though Mercy was a bit of a loner, she was never alone and I loved how Samuel and Adam made that known to whoever wished her harm. Then there was Zee. Oh man, I loved Zee too.
I bonded with Mercy’s character in this story and with Ben. I didn’t really care for Ben in the other books but I love the hell out of him now. Tears streaked down my face as he pled with Adam to understand.
Holly: I didn’t care for Ben in the previous books either, but he really came through here. We learned more about his past, too, which I thought was good. I loved how he stood up for Mercy in the end. It was touching because it was so unexpected from him, you know?
I think it’s so wonderful how Mercy’s relationships grow over the course of the series. She was alone for so long and now she’s developing all these tight connections.
Rowena: Yes, seeing Mercy realize that she really is loved was good. I hope we get more from the other wolves in Adam’s pack because I’m really soft for Ben, Warren and Kyle, Honey and her husband, and Jessie. I love everyone in Adam’s pack. When Mercy and Ben take care of that Jessie business at the end, I was glad that Mercy was able to get some of her confidence back.
Holly: I loved when Mercy and Ben took care of the Jesse thing at the end. They played it just right and it added some balance to the novel, I think.
I have to say, I knew who the murderer was, but I did not expect things to go the way they did for Mercy. I was shocked at what happened to her. I just didn’t see it coming.
Rowena: This book was just flat out good and though it was hard to get through, I’m glad that I read it and I’m pretty anxious to keep the Mercy Thompson reading adventure going. So, so good.
There is much to love in this book and I’m glad that you made me finally read this one. Mercy Thompson is one of my favorite characters and I’m super anxious to see what happens next. I give this a 4.5 out of 5 rating. You?
Holly: Mercy and those in her sphere really work for me as a whole. This novel was such a punch to the gut, even after several rereads. I was sucked right in. I’m really excited you’re continuing on.
I’m giving this 4.5 out of 5 as well.
Grade: 4.5 out of 5
Mercy Thompson

To read more about Ben, you should get a copy of Patricia Briggs’ Shifting Shadows Anthology and read the story Redemption. See more about the anthology at: http://www.patriciabriggs.com/books/shiftingShadows.shtml The entire anthology is excellent.