Day: January 19, 2015

Joint Review: Dragon Bound by Thea Harrison

Posted January 19, 2015 by Holly in Reviews | 10 Comments

Joint Review: Dragon Bound by Thea HarrisonReviewer: Holly and Rowena
Dragon Bound by Thea Harrison
Series: Elder Races #1
Also in this series: Dragon Bound (Elder Races, #1), Storm's Heart (Elder Races, #2), Serpent's Kiss (Elder Races, #3), Oracle's Moon (Elder Races, #4), Oracle's Moon (Elder Races, #4), True Colors (Elder Races, #3.5), Lord's Fall (Elder Races, #5), Kinked, Lord's Fall, Kinked (Elder Races, #6), Pia Saves the Day & Peanut Goes to School, Dragos Takes a Holiday, Night's Honor, Night's Honor, Midnight's Kiss, Midnight's Kiss, Dragos Goes to Washington, Shadow's End, Pia Does Hollywood, Liam Takes Manhattan, Pia Does Hollywood, The Chosen: A Novella of the Elder Races, Planet Dragos (Elder Races, #9.8), Planet Dragos (Elder Races, #9.8), Lionheart (Moonshadow, #3), Spellbinder
Publisher: Penguin
Publication Date: May 3rd 2011
Genres: Fiction
Pages: 336
Add It: Goodreads
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Series Rating: four-stars

View our feature on Thea Harrison’s Dragon Bound.Half-human and half-wyr, Pia Giovanni spent her life keeping a low profile among the wyrkind and avoiding the continuing conflict between them and their dark Fae enemies. But after being blackmailed into stealing a coin from the hoard of a dragon, Pia finds herself targeted by one of the most powerful-and passionate-of the Elder races.
Read Thea Harrison's blogs and other content on the Penguin Community.

Holly: First, I need to start of by saying: I TOLD YOU SO. I knew you’d love this book.
Ehem. Moving on.

Let’s start by talking about the world-building. This is one of my favorite worlds. I love the concept of the four different courts, politics and intricacies. It was so easy to fall into.

Rowena: The world that Harrison created for this series was easy to fall into. I was surprised with how much I liked pretty much everything. I liked the four courts, I loved that while we get a huge chunk of Dragos’ world, there is still plenty to look forward to.

Holly: What did you think of Pia? I love how resourceful she is, and how quick an witty, too. I really felt like we got to know her.

Rowena: I really liked Pia. She was strong, independent and smart. She didn’t hold grudges against Dragos and she apologized when she made a mistake and I really liked that she called Dragos out on his crap. What made me love the heck out of her was how bloodthirsty she was.

“Her revenge to-do list kept getting longer and longer”

Haha, that made me laugh out loud. She was freaking awesome.

Holly: I like that she admitted she wasn’t much of a fighter (it wasn’t her first instinct) but she didn’t let anyone walk all over her. She was smart and tough. I loved her.

Speaking of smart and tough…DRAGOS! <3

Rowena: When Dragos did his thing in the fight against the big bad guy and Pia said, “There’s my bad boy”, I was so freaking happy. Goodness, they were good together.

OMG, I don’t even know where to begin with Dragos.

Holly: I think this line sums him up best:

“All those years of civilization? Just a veneer.”

He was primitive and fierce, but he really made an effort to be what Pia needed him to be. I love that one of their running jokes was “you’re not the boss of me”. When he tells his sentinels to let her do what she wants because “Fuck you, I’m not the boss of her?” I about died.

Also? This. Just because.

“I have learned so many things over the long years,” he whispered…”I’ve taken tribute from sovereigns and witnessed the end of empires. But you are my best teacher.”

Rowena:  I thought Thea Harrison did a great job of reeling Dragos back from the Alpha line. You know how there’s a line that heroes can’t cross or they’ll cross over into I hate this asshole kind of guy? Not once did I hate Dragos or roll my eyes. More than anything, I loved him more because he was so freaking bossy and so freaking alpha but he couldn’t get away with any of that crap with Pia. You could feel his confusion when they first meet and she just wouldn’t bend to his will. That cracked me up.

Holly: You know what I love about Pia and Dragos? They were both mature adults who acted like mature adults. They communicated with each other, did their best to understand the other side of the situation and didn’t storm off in a huff every time they heard something they didn’t like.

Rowena:  I thought Pia stormed off in a huff a lot, but it didn’t bother me because she knew that she was being irrational and she always apologized when she did that. I also understood her reactions every time too. They didn’t know other for very long before Dragos was claiming her as his but hell, I don’t think it would have taken me long to come to terms with being Dragos because, damn. He was all kinds of hot.

Holly: I don’t think she stormed off in a huff at all. Sure, she tried to get away from him at first – hello, he said he was keeping her and she freaked out – but after that she didn’t. Well, except for that one time near the end, but I thought that was totally understandable given the circumstances.

Rowena: I thought she did, or maybe she just flew off the handle emotionally. Now you made me forget.

Holly: I think she flew off the handle emotionally, but like you said it was understandable. All she’d ever been taught was to run and hide, yet here was this predator forcing her to stay and reveal herself. I thought that was well done on the part of Harrison. I can’t imagine being in her situation and handling it half as well as she did.

Rowena: Same here with handling everything that Pia goes through in this book. From the ex-boyfriend to Dragos’ wrath and then everything else? Pia was legit.

Holly: What did you think of Pia’s Wyr form? Did you suspect?

Rowena: No. I didn’t expect that but mostly because I was still trying to figure out everything else. But holy cow, for her to end up being what she was and end up with someone like Dragos? I loved it.

Holly: I also liked the relationship Dragos had with his sentinels. When he told Rune he considered him his best friend? Aww. So cute.

Rowena: Dragos’ temper and the understanding that his sentinels had of his temper was something. I mean, Dragos damn near killed Rune and Rune was like, “I get it.” I would have not been as understanding. I would have been like, “Look here, Debo. This is not Friday and I will not give you my grandmama necklace.” LOL.

Holly: His temper made me laugh, too. I don’t know if I would have been as understanding as Rune was, either.

To give his sentinels credit, they didn’t run when faced with the nude figure of their enraged lord. In fact, Dragos had to admit it was brave of them to enter his bedroom in the first place. That thought was the thread that helped him to gain enough control so that he didn’t tear their heads from their shoulders.
“Bad dream?” Rune said, keen gaze steady as he straightened from a fighting crouch and let the tip of his sword fall to the floor.

I love that he got off on fighting with Pia. “Who knew this could be so much fun?” I think Harrison did a great job of writing him as a dragon. Even when he was in human form he was still all dragon.

There was a considerable amount of humor in this book, which was kind of surprising. I snicker-snorted multiple times. Like the running joke throughout about Dragos’ “long, scaly reptilian tail”.

Rowena: The entire book was just good. The story was great. The romance between Dragos and Pia. The secondary characters. There wasn’t much about this book that I didn’t enjoy.

I’m really looking forward to Rune’s book. Is his book next?

Holly: Rune’s book is number 3. Tricks and Tiago come next. Though, to be honest, I didn’t love their book and tend to skip it when I re-read. In order to understand why Rune is in the situation he’s in at the beginning of his book, you probably need to read it.

Rowena: Who else gets books? How many books are in this series?

Holly: Right now there are 6. Tiago and Tricks, Rune, and the rest are people you haven’t met yet (you meet all of them in book 3). I don’t know how many are planned, but I know there’s at least one more coming out this year.

Rowena: I wondered if Tiago and Tricks got together. I also wondered if Rune got his own book. I can’t wait to read Tricks and Tiago’s book.  It should be soon. I have to knock some review books out first. Their book will be my reward book.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. Like, a freaking lot. I thought Pia was strong and just an all around awesome heroine. I thought Dragos was a pretty fantastic hero and together, they were such a dynamic couple. Thea Harrison did a really good job of setting up the rest of the series. Her introductions to the other characters was pretty seamless. They were all interesting characters on their own without overshadowing Dragos and Pia. The bond between Dragos and his sentinels was solid and I felt the loyalty going around.

If I had to pick a gripe about anything, it’d be…yeah, I got nothing.

Grade: 5 out of 5

Holly: You’re giving a 5?? falls over dead

Rowena: Haha, shut up. You knew that I was going to love it and if I was into paranormals sooner than now, I would have read this a long time ago.

Holly: I really loved it, too. Pia and Dragos were both great. The world-building was fantastic. The secondary characters were engaging. I don’t have much to complain about here.

When I first reviewed this book, I gave it a 4.75 out of 5. I’ve read it over a hundred times since then and it remains one of my favorite books. So, I’m bumping that to a 5. I adored this book. I fall into it each and every time I read it. I love Dragos and Pia, the world, the plot and the secondary characters.

Rowena’s Grade: 5 out 5

Holly’s Grade: 5 out of 5


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2014 in Review: Rowena

Posted January 19, 2015 by Rowena in Features | 0 Comments

year in review

Holly started a Year in Review post back in the day and wanted to start it up again. She asked me if I wanted to join her and I did, so here I am.

In 2014, the only reading challenges that I wanted to do was a TBR Challenge to read more from the books that I already own (a challenge I gave myself) and then the Goodreads Challenge. 2014 was going to be the year that I read 200 books and while I did end up finishing with 200 books read – I cheated. 2014 turned out to be the year of the re-read for me. Part of the reason for that was Holly and I started up our claiming game that we’ve been playing since we met and the other part was because I just felt like it. I could feel myself falling into reading slumps and before that could happen, I opened up a book that I’ve read and loved. So thank goodness for re-reads…cause they count. Ha!

Here’s the breakdown of the amount of books that I read each month. I don’t keep tabs on what I read on a monthly basis on Goodreads like Holly but I do keep track of what books I read each month on my personal blog.

January 2014 (13)
February 2014 (19)
March 2014 (17)
April 2014 (21)
May 2014 (19)
June 2014 (15)
July 2014 (17)
August 2014 (18)
September 2014 (16)
October 2014 (16)
November 2014 (15)
December 2014 (14)

All of my numbers count the re-reads that I did last year and I did a lot of those. I’m going to continue that in the new year because there were a lot of books that I re-read and loved all over again. That’s fun for me.

Here’s how I did by genre:

Contemporary (53)
Historical (26)
New Adult (40)
Paranormal (4)
Romantic Suspense (18)
Young Adult (59)

Damn, I read a lot of YA. Most of them were contemporary reads but they’re separate because they’re not adult reads.

Here’s a list of my favorite and least favorite reads of each month.


It’s kind of hard to pick a favorite of the books I read because I enjoyed most of them but if I had to choose, I’d probably choose either Attachments by Rainbow Rowell, Once in a Lifetime by Jill Shalvis or Breaking the Rules by Suzanne Brockmann.

My least favorite book is easier to choose. That one goes to An Outlaw in Wonderland by Lori Austin. It just didn’t work for me. I couldn’t get into it, I couldn’t connect with any of the characters and I quit it about a third of the way in.


My favorite read of the month goes to It Happened One Wedding by Julie James because hands down, I loved it.

My least favorite read of the month goes to Seeking Her by Cora Carmack. It was my least favorite read, mostly because I didn’t feel like we needed this story. It’s nothing new or fresh so I was left feeling blah about it all.


My favorite read that was not a re-read last month goes to Divergent by Veronica Roth. I have become completely obsessed with this movie. I liked the book, the first time around but it was my second read of this book (after seeing the movie) that really made me come to love the characters and the story. It’s a confusing world to jump into for new readers and I didn’t completely understand the whole storyline so it was hard for me to really focus on what was happening, who was who, who can we trust and that kind of thing but seeing the movie (and enjoying the changes the movie brought to the story) I thought it was a pretty decent read. I’m embarrassed to tell you guys how many times I’ve paid to watch the movie in theaters (shut up Holly) but in my defense…I did it for the kids. 🙂 And plus, who could blame me with how freaking hot Four was?

My least favorite read of the month goes to Waiting on You by Kristan Higgins. I was expecting to really like this book since I liked Colleen in the other Blue Heron books but unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. Colleen did a lot of shit that pissed me off throughout her book and she was like a completely different person from the one I thought I knew from the other books. I wasn’t a fan of the tactics she used to get Bryce to notice Paulie. I wasn’t a fan of how immature she acted toward Lucas and while I understood why she felt the way she did, I wished she acted like a grown up where Lucas was concerned. So yeah, that one didn’t work for me at all.


My favorite read from last month is probably Before You Break by Christina Lee. That was a fantastic read and the characters were great. I loved getting to know Quinn and I thought that Ella was a great heroine. Very strong and capable.

My least favorite reads are tied between Broken Hearts, Fences and Other Things to Mend by Katie Finn and How to Meet Boys by Catherine Clark. Both books missed its mark with me and I just didn’t like them.


My favorite read of the month goes to Then Came You by Jill Shalvis. I loved Wyatt and Emily’s story. It was sweet and funny and everything that I love in my romance novels.

My least favorite read of the month goes to Jagged by Kristen Ashley. I didn’t know what to expect from this book but it wasn’t what I got. Ham? I still can’t get over that.


I read a lot of great books in June so picking a favorite is going to be hard. I don’t think I have a favorite. I adored The Fault in Our Stars, Whisper to Me by Christina Lee, All Lined Up by Cora Carmack, Tease by Sophie Jordan, Vixen in Velvet by Loretta Chase and It’s In His Kiss by Jill Shalvis. All books were wonderfully written and I loved them all.

My least favorite book of the month goes to Only Everything by Kieran Scott. I’m not sure what went wrong with this book but for me, I didn’t enjoy it nearly as much as I enjoyed Scott’s other books.


My favorite read of the month is tied between Rock Addiction by Nalini Singh (which I inhaled) and He’s So Fine by Jill Shalvis. Both books were fabulous reads. Fox and Cole were both super hot and the romance in both books were steamy. I’m not complaining at all about either book.

My least favorite read this month goes to Trapped at the Altar by Jane Feather and Tease by Amanda Maciel. I hated the heroine in the Trapped at the Altar and hmm, I hated the main character in Tease too. Both women got on my hot damn nerves in both books.


My favorite read of the month goes to Isla & the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins. It was such a cute story and perfect for what I’m always in the mood for. Josh and Isla were such fun to get to know and their story had me grinning like a school girl from the time I opened the book until the time I closed it. So good! It was well worth the long wait for me. Honorable mentions go to One in a Million by Jill Shalvis (great ending to a fabulous series!) and Echoes of Scotland by Samantha Young (LOVED Cole!).

My least favorite read of the month is a tie between Irresistible Force by D.D. Ayres and Before We Fall by Courtney Cole. Both books just did not work for me. At all.


My favorite read of the month goes to The Hook Up by Kristen Callihan, a great contemporary NA book with a swoonworthy hero. I loved me some Drew Baylor.

My least favorite book without a doubt went to I’ve Fallen & I Have a Tentacle in My Butt by Edward Naughty. Don’t ask, I’m so ashamed that I actually read it. Ugh, I don’t know what the heck I was thinking. It was terrible.


My favorite read of the month goes to All Broke Down by Cora Carmack. I thought this book was too freaking cute for words. I enjoyed getting to know Silas and I thought Dylan was a delightful character. Their story was a solid read and I enjoyed every minute of it.

My least favorite book of the month goes to Wild by Sophie Jordan and that breaks my heart because I absolutely adored Logan. I thought he was a great hero and he was the only reason that saved that book from being a DNF and from getting a lower score than what I gave it because Georgia? I don’t think she deserved Logan. She got on my nerves from the very beginning and in the end? I didn’t think she made enough amends for Logan to forgive her. She just kept right on pissing me off throughout the entire book and it drove me crazy.


My favorite reads (that weren’t re-reads) of the month go to Never Judge a Lady by Her Cover by Sarah MacLean and Say Yes to the Marquess by Tessa Dare. Both books were so good. I was so happy with the end of the Rules of Scoundrels series and I adored the latest installment in the Castles Ever After series by Tessa Dare. Both books were wonderful treats in this gloomy weather and I definitely recommend both books.

My least favorite read of the month goes to Even in Paradise by Chelsey Philpot. I just couldn’t get into it.


My favorite read of the month was probably The Year We Hid Away by Sarina Bowen. Bridger and Scarlet’s story was so heartbreaking and yet so satisfying as well. Loved them both. Lucy too. 🙂

My least favorite read of the month is 99 Days by Katie Cotugno. That book drove me crazy but for some reason, I kept reading it. The main character didn’t learn a damn thing until for me, it was too freaking late. But at least it ended the way that it did.

As far as reading challenges went, I completed my Goodreads Challenge but I was short of my 12 reads from my own shelves challenge. Ugh.

2015 is going to be the year that I get back to being a reader that blogs, instead of a blogger that reads. I’ve been a slave to my review pile for the last couple of years and while I will continue to read and review books from pubs and authors on Book Binge, I’m going to be taking on a lot less than years before. I’m going to read what I want to read, when I want to read and not worry so much about that pesky review pile…which means, less requesting of eARCs.

There you have it…my year in books!

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Review: Perfect Couple by Jennifer Echols

Posted January 19, 2015 by Rowena in Reviews | 1 Comment

perfect couple
Rowena’s review of Perfect Couple (Superlatives #2) by Jennifer Echols.

Perfect Couple is #2 in the Superlatives series about seniors at a Florida high school who are selected for their class’s superlative categories in the yearbook, and how the labels change the way they view themselves and alter the course of their lives.

Can your heart be put to a popular vote?

As yearbook photographer, Harper is responsible for capturing those candid moments that make high school memorable. But her own life is anything but picture perfect. Her parents’ bitter divorce has left her wondering what a loving relationship would look like. And ever since the senior class voted her and star quarterback Brody the “Perfect Couple That Never Was,” her friends have been on her case to ask Brody out.

Brody doesn’t lack in female admirers, but Harper can’t see herself with him. He seems confused about why they were matched together, too. They’re total opposites—the last people in the world who would ever be compatible, let alone the “perfect couple.” Yet ever since the class paired the two of them, they’ve found themselves drawn together–first by curiosity, then by an undeniable bond.

The trouble is, though they’re very attracted to each other and both of them admit this, they have a hard time getting along or even communicating clearly. If they’re the perfect couple, this shouldn’t be so difficult! Soon it becomes clear their class was wrong, and they throw in the towel. But after they walk away, both of them feel so changed from making the effort that they can’t forget each other. What if that means this match made in hell is the perfect couple after all?

This is the second book in the Superlatives series. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to read the book or not but requested it, just in case I did. It took me a while but I finally got this one read and all I can say is that I’m glad I did because it was such a super cute read and the perfect read to pick up after being knee deep in paranormal romances.

Harper is Tia’s (from Book 1) friend and Brody Larson is the starting Quarterback for their school football team. The senior class voted Harper and Brody, the Perfect Couple that Never Was. Harper is shocked since she has absolutely nothing in common with him. He’s sociable and an athlete and she’s a photographer who would rather spend her time alone but none of that matters when she’s by herself with her huge crush on him. He doesn’t see her like that because he’s with the beautiful and blonde Grace but when the more they talk, the more interested they are in each other.

This was a quick read about two high school seniors that weren’t meant to be together until they were together. I thought it was such a cute story and if I had a complaint about the book it would have been I wish we had gotten inside Brody’s head. We only get Harper’s POV and I think the story would have benefited more from dual perspectives. Oh, well.

The book was still cute. Harper was a great heroine who acted the way a normal teenager would act. She was strong and when she decides that she’s had enough with letting others dictate her life, she becomes even more awesome. I loved the person that she was with Brody. She starts off really shy around him and Echols did a great job of showcasing the growth of their relationship. They didn’t jump into a relationship right after it was announced that they were the perfect couple that never was. Their relationship grew over time and it was genuine and real. I ate it all up.

Brody was a great love interest. I loved that when things got hard, he didn’t let Harper off the hook. He didn’t let her walk all over him. He made her make a decision and I liked that. I liked that Harper didn’t let up on herself as well. She knew when she made mistakes and she apologized when she was being an idiot. You certainly see the growth that both characters go through with this book and really, I just had fun with this whole book.

I’m looking forward to reading the next book in this series. I hope Kaye gets that giant stick out of her butt where Sawyer is concerned and I hope that he finally mans up and goes after what he really wants. I liked them as characters and am pretty anxious for their story. It was good to see the gang back together again and to see Tia and Will doing well together. I liked their book and really enjoyed this book as well. I have every faith that I’m going to enjoy the heck out of Most Likely to Succeed. I think fans of Jennifer Echols will find this new addition to her back list a delight. I definitely recommend.

Grade: 4 out of 5

This book is available from Simon Pulse. You can purchase it here or here in e-format. This book was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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