Serpent's Kiss (Elder Races, #3) by Thea Harrison
Series: Elder Races #3
Also in this series: Dragon Bound (Elder Races, #1), Storm's Heart (Elder Races, #2), Oracle's Moon (Elder Races, #4), Oracle's Moon (Elder Races, #4), True Colors (Elder Races, #3.5), Lord's Fall (Elder Races, #5), Kinked, Lord's Fall, Kinked (Elder Races, #6), Pia Saves the Day & Peanut Goes to School, Dragos Takes a Holiday, Night's Honor, Night's Honor, Dragon Bound, Midnight's Kiss, Midnight's Kiss, Dragos Goes to Washington, Shadow's End, Pia Does Hollywood, Liam Takes Manhattan, Pia Does Hollywood, The Chosen: A Novella of the Elder Races, Planet Dragos (Elder Races, #9.8), Planet Dragos (Elder Races, #9.8), Lionheart (Moonshadow, #3), Spellbinder
Publisher: Berkley
Publication Date: October 4, 2011
Point-of-View: Third
Genres: Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy
Pages: 336
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Series Rating:

In the latest Novel of the Elder Races, a Queen on the brink of sanity has no one to rely on except the Wyr warrior whose conviction is every bit as strong as his passion.
In order to save his friend's life, Wyr sentinel Rune Ainissesthai made a bargain with Vampyre Queen Carling—without knowing what she would ask from him in return. But when Rune attempts to make good on his debt, he finds a woman on the edge.
Recently, Carling's Power has become erratic, forcing her followers to flee in fear. Despite the danger, Rune is drawn to the ailing Queen and decides to help her find a cure for the serpent's kiss—the vampyric disease that's killing her.
With their desire for each other escalating just as quickly as Carling's instability spirals out of control, the sentinel and the Queen will have to rely on each other if they have any hope of surviving the serpent's kiss.
Dragos, the leader of the Wyr, is not happy when he finds out that Rune has made a bargain with the Vampyre Queen, Carling. Rune isn’t all that thrilled with it either but knew it had to be done to save Tiago’s life (in book 2). Rune heads off to San Francisco to fulfill the bargain. When he gets to SF, however, Carling is not what he expects. He finds a woman who is slowly dying and resigned to it. Rune hates Carlings resignation and is determined to help find a “cure” to the problem.
Carling had these episodes that she calls “fades” and she heads off in her own mind for hours and sometimes days at a time. When Rune gets to SF though he finds that he can actually be involved in the episodes and it seems to be changing Carling’s past experiences. It’s a bit freaky for the both of them but it seems to be bringing them closer.
During this time Carling’s one vampyric “child” that stuck around is having an issue with Rune and the fact that he seems to be butting into Carling’s life. Rhoswen wants Rune gone and when she doesn’t get her way she creates trouble for Carling in a nasty way. Now not only do Rune and Carling need to worry about Carling’s failing life, the little issue of possibly changing time and the romance that’s blooming but also the Elder Council that wants Carling dead.
I felt this was a much darker book than the first two in the series – but no less intriguing. The possibility of Carling’s death really was sad and I loved that even though Rune didn’t like Carling all that much at first didn’t want her to just fade away and cease to be. It really gave great insight into Rune’s personality right from the start.
Carling was a bit hard to take at first – so set in her ways that change and modernization wasn’t something that she even thought about. It made me wonder what Rune saw in her but she really came to life in my eyes with the flashbacks and the description of the hardships she’d been through.
This was a great book that I very much enjoyed reading. If you’ve been reading the series this one is not to be missed. If you haven’t started it…why not? Lol
Rating: 4.25 out of 5
Elder Races

I can’t wait to read this book. I love this series. I think Dragos and Tiago were all set in their ways too they have been around for a really long time. They just wait for that special person to come in screw with their ways a little bit.