Author: Casee

Retro Review: Atlantis Awakening by Alyssa Day

Retro Review: Atlantis Awakening by Alyssa Day

*****As part of our 10 year anniversary celebration, we’ll be re-posting old reviews that make us cringe, laugh or sigh all over again. Holly: This review prompted me to buy the first two books in this series…where they’ve been languishing for ten years. I think it’s about time I pulled them out. This review was […]

Review: Wired by Julie Garwood

Review: Wired by Julie Garwood

If I had to pick one word for this book: tepid. The romance was tepid, the suspense was tepid. The whole thing was just tepid. Allison intrigued me, Liam intrigued. Together? Not so much. I just don’t understand what happened to Julie Garwood. I know authors grow as writers, but don’t they grow to be […]

Monthly Reads: June 2017

Monthly Reads: June 2017

Casee: I read none books this month. None. I am too pathetic for words. I can admit it. Holly: I only managed to read 13 books. June was a crazy month and I wasn’t very focused on reading. I had a pretty good reading month as far as quality goes. I read some really great […]

Sunday Spotlight: The Stone Warriors: Kato by D.B. Reynolds

Sunday Spotlight: The Stone Warriors: Kato by D.B. Reynolds

Sunday Spotlight is a feature we began in 2016. This year we’re spotlighting our favorite books, old and new. We’ll be  raving about the books we love and being total fangirls. You’ve been warned. 🙂 I discovered D.B. Reynolds a few months ago and have been devouring her books ever since. The first book I read […]

What Are You Reading? (335)

What Are You Reading? (335)

Casee: I got nothing. I haven’t read a single word since last Friday. Technically I’m still reading Archangel’s Viper even though I haven’t picked it up in a week. The Stone Warriors: Kato by D.B. Reynolds released today and I’m hoping that will capture my interest. I’m not hopeful. If Nalini Singh can’t do it, […]