Tag: Holly’s Reviews

Lightning Review: Omens by Suzanne Wright

Posted January 29, 2024 by Holly in Reviews | 4 Comments

Lightning Review: Omens by Suzanne WrightReviewer: Holly
Omens by Suzanne Wright
Narrator: Cat Doucette
Series: The Dark in You #6
Also in this series: Blaze , Ashes , Shadows
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing, Piatkus
Publication Date: July 28, 2020
Format: Audiobook, eBook
Source: Purchased
Point-of-View: Alternating Third
Genres: Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy
Pages: 314
Add It: Goodreads
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | The Ripped Bodice | Google Play Books
Series Rating: four-stars

She's the one thing he can't control...

Keenan is the mistake Khloe knows she shouldn't make. As an incubus, he's got an inside track into everything that makes her tick, and even though she's immune to his supernatural (and frankly unfair) sex appeal, that doesn't stop her body - and her demon - craving him. If it were any other male she'd have worked it out of her system ages ago and moved on, but this time she's scared that if she ever gives in, she won't escape unscathed.

Since Keenan's traumatic childhood he's made sure he's always in control. Of himself, and of the world around him. But Khloe drives Keenan crazy. She's an imp, so getting under people's skin is basically her job description, but Khloe makes him - and his body - respond in ways he's never known.

After a bet escalates the simmering tension between them it's finally game on . . . and then the game turns deadly serious. A threat appears that could threaten the whole lair and Keenan's desperate to protect Khloe any way he can - but will she accept his claim, and can he accept the power she has over him?

Omens (Dark in You #5) by Suzanne Wright features Khloe and Keenan. I purchased the ebook with the audio add-on so I could switch between reading and listening.

Khloe is convinced Keenan is an alcoholic, and after dealing with her mother’s addiction all her life she isn’t interested in being with him as a result. When they make a wager that he can go week without a drink, Khloe is sure he’ll fail. But as they spend time together and she realizes there’s more to Keenan than she thought, she’ll have to guard her heart.

Khloe and Keenan weren’t my favorite characters from previous books, but I ended up enjoying their story. I really liked the external conflict in this book (Zombies!), so that helped.

Rating: 3.75

Dark in You


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Review: Shadows by Suzanne Wright

Posted January 22, 2024 by Holly in Reviews | 3 Comments

Review: Shadows by Suzanne WrightReviewer: Holly
Shadows by Suzanne Wright
Narrator: Cat Doucette
Series: The Dark in You #5
Also in this series: Blaze , Ashes , Omens
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing, Piatkus
Publication Date: July 30, 2019
Format: Audiobook, eBook
Source: Library, Purchased
Pages: 372
Add It: Goodreads
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | The Ripped Bodice | Google Play Books
Series Rating: four-stars

A match made in hell?

Devon and Tanner fight like... well, cats and dogs. Which, to be fair, makes sense since hellcats and hellhounds aren't exactly a match made in heaven. Unfortunately, their demons' antipathy towards each other is matched only by the red-hot sexual tension between Tanner and Devon. It's driving them - and their long-suffering friends Harper and Knox - mad.

When Devon is nearly kidnapped, Tanner's protective instincts kick into overdrive - he's sticking by her side, day and night. But staying so close means their hunger can no longer be denied - they know their demons won't accept the match, but after one red-hot night they'll fight to stay together for as long as they can. But shadows are gathering around them - Devon's would-be kidnapper is still on the loose, a serial killer carrying rage from a twisted past threatens the lair - and most of all, Tanner and Devon are losing themselves to the heat between them. When this relationship goes up in flames, it could be a blaze that neither of them can walk away from . . .

As with the other books in the series, I purchased the ebook and requested the audiobook from the library so I could switch between reading and listening. The narrator isn’t my favorite (some of the voices she uses for various characters are kind of annoying), but she doesn’t bother me enough not to listen when I’m not able to read.

This is the first book featuring a new couple. Both Tanner and Devon featured prettily heavily in the previous books, so I felt like I had a good baseline for their story going into this. Devin is a Hellcat and Tanner is a Hellhound, and their beasts won’t accept each other. That’s why they’ve been circling around each other instead of doing something about all their sexual tension. Until Devin is kidnapped – then Tanner and his demon are determined to keep her safe and claim her as their own. Too bad she isn’t convinced…

I’m glad that we’re going single couple HEAs now for the rest of the series. I liked both Tanner and Devon and I enjoyed learning more about them and seeing them come together as a couple.

Rating: 3.75

Dark in You


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Review: Embers by Suzanne Wright

Posted November 6, 2023 by Holly in Reviews | 4 Comments

Review: Embers by Suzanne WrightReviewer: Holly
Embers by Suzanne Wright
Narrator: Cat Doucette
Series: Dark in You #4
Also in this series: Burn, Burn
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing, Piatkus
Publication Date: July 3, 2018
Format: Audiobook, eBook
Source: Purchased
Point-of-View: Alternating Third
Genres: Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy
Pages: 368
Add It: Goodreads
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | The Ripped Bodice | Google Play Books
Series Rating: four-stars

Harper and Knox are back and better than ever! The fourth book in Suzanne Wright's globally bestselling The Dark in You series is not to be missed.

Harper and Knox are back and better than ever . . . Discover the unmissable fourth book in Suzanne Wright's globally bestselling The Dark in You series
The final horseman awaits . . . and the stakes have never been higher.

With the birth of their son, Asher, Harper and Knox are both more powerful and more vulnerable than they've ever been before. Asher's charm has seduced even the devil himself, but Harper knows that the real villain is still out there, and as desperate as ever to see the Primes fall. They're laying low, and there's no way to tell which one of their circle is really a deadly foe . . .

When the final horseman makes their move, Harper and Knox will have to use all the considerable power at their disposal - and that may even include Asher's mysterious abilities. One thing's for sure - this is a baby who's more than a match for any demon coming after him.
It's time for the world's most formidable family to take the fight to the enemy . . .


Embers (Dark in You #4) by Suzanne Wright is the final installment of the Knox/Harper storyline in this series.

I enjoyed the action in this one, as well as the mystery of Asher. I especially liked that the Horsemen storyline was wrapped up and I thought the way that was dealt with was pretty satisfying. Asher was adorable and I like the power couple that Knox and Harper have become. I also really like how Harper came out as just as scary as Knox in this book, which was fun to read.

Still, I really think the overall story could have been condensed to one or two books. We didn’t need 4 books to complete the story-arc. I’m glad the series is moving on to new couples now.

Rating: 3.75

Dark in You


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Review: Blaze by Suzanne Wright

Posted October 23, 2023 by Holly in Reviews | 4 Comments

Review: Blaze by Suzanne WrightReviewer: Holly
Blaze by Suzanne Wright
Narrator: Cat Doucette
Series: The Dark in You #2
Also in this series: Ashes , Shadows, Omens
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing, Piatkus
Publication Date: September 1, 2016
Format: Audiobook, eBook
Source: Purchased
Point-of-View: Alternating Third
Genres: Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy
Pages: 368
Add It: Goodreads
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | The Ripped Bodice | Google Play Books
Series Rating: four-stars

Defeat the enemy. Win the boy. Live happily ever after. But life "ever after" isn't as easy as it used to be. Harper's gone from being a member of a small demon lair to co-Prime of one of the most powerful lairs in the US with a mate who, though hot as hell, is just a mite overprotective - I mean, you get kidnapped by dark practitioners just once ...
Then one of Knox's demons goes rogue, and in his madness decides Knox Thorne must die. Harper's worried. Knox isn't - at least until he discovers his mate's willingness to get between him and danger.
Now, Knox has a new priority: Keep Harper safe ...no matter what it takes. But Harper begins to suspect there's more danger than one rogue demon. It seems the combined strength of Harper and Knox has upset the balance of power in the demon world and there are those who are determined to right that wrong. Because when you move up the food chain, sometimes the other predators just want to take a bigger bite.

Blaze is the second book in the Dark in You series by Suzanne Wright. I purchased the book and downloaded the audiobook from the library so I could switch between reading and listening. I ended up listening to more of this book that I read. I enjoyed the narrator more than in the first book.

Knox and Harper have fully mated committed to each other, but there are many who are threatened by their combined power. As Harper tries to navigate the extreme changes that have gone on in her life as she settles in as Knox’s mate, they both have to deal with threats from multiple directions.

I liked this book slightly more than the first, though I do feel like overall story-arc is stretched out rather too far. Four books to tie up all these loose ends feels like too much. I enjoy Knox, Harper and their inner circle enough that I’m planning to continue, but I’m looking forward to reading about another couple.

Rating: 3.75 out of 5

Dark in You


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Review: Burn by Suzanne Wright

Posted October 16, 2023 by Holly in Reviews | 3 Comments

Review: Burn by Suzanne WrightReviewer: Holly
Burn by Suzanne Wright
Narrator: Cat Doucette
Series: Dark in You #1
Also in this series: Burn, Embers
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing, Piatkus
Publication Date: November 26, 2015
Format: Audiobook, eBook
Source: Kindle Unlimited, Purchased
Point-of-View: Alternating Third
Genres: Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy
Pages: 301
Add It: Goodreads
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | The Ripped Bodice | Google Play Books
Series Rating: four-stars

Part of a small demon lair in North Las Vegas, tattooist Harper Wallis lives a pretty simple life. That changes overnight when she discovers that her psychic mate, or ‘anchor’, is a guy who’s rumored to be the most powerful demon in existence. Compelling, full of secrets and armed with raw sexuality, Knox Thorne is determined to claim her as his anchor, creating a psychic bond that will prevent their inner demons from ever turning rogue. The billionaire also wants Harper in his bed. She’s not so sure she wants either of those things. No one seems to know what breed of demon Knox is, only that he’s more dangerous than anything she’s ever before encountered. But he refuses to walk away. And when an unknown danger starts closing in on Harper, it seems that Knox is the only one who can keep her safe.
As Prime of his Las Vegas lair and a successful businessman, Knox Thorne is used to being in control. He’s also used to people fearing and obeying him. Harper does neither, which unexpectedly amuses him. Unpredictable, elusive, and complex, she draws Knox and his inner demon like nothing ever has. Knox is used to getting what he wants, and he wants Harper. He’ll have her, and he’ll keep her safe from the threat that looms over her. Because Knox protects what’s his. He won’t allow anyone to take her from him. Even if it will mean letting the demon inside him rise and wreak the havoc it was created to make.

I purchased the ebook with the audio add-on and switched between reading and listening. The narrator wasn’t my favorite here, so I admit I read more than I listened. I put off reading this series because I wasn’t really in the mood for another single couple series. This book does end with a HFN/HEA, though the overall story-arc continues in the next book.

Harper is a Sphinx demon who was raised by Imps. The Imps are looked down on by the other breeds of demons, but they don’t let that stop them from living their best lives. When Knox Thorne says he wans to meet her, she knows she can’t say no. What neither of them anticipated was finding out they were anchors (where their inner demons hold a bond that steadies them both and makes them stronger). The anchor bond doesn’t necessary equal a sexual or romantic relationship, but Knox wants Harper from the beginning and nothing will get in the way of what he wants.

As they explore their relationship they have to navigate demon politics and the realization that now that Knox has a weakness, many will try to exploit that – namely by harming Harper – to bring him under their control.

I really enjoyed the dynamic between Knox and Harper. Even though Knox was domineering and used to getting his own way, he never tried to force Harper into anything. He didn’t try to exert his will over her. He asked (or demanded), but always backed off when she drew a line. It was refreshing how supportive of her he was. I really loved how self-sufficient Harper was. She knew her own mind and had a strong sense of self. She would have been overwhelmed by Knox if she was any less confident. I was also amused by Knox’s demon.

Although I enjoyed Harper and Knox, as well as the overall story-arc and their circle of friends and acquaintances, this wasn’t my favorite novel by Wright. I think the length worked against it. My kindle copy said it was 510 pages, and it definitely felt like it. Still, I enjoyed the story enough to immediately start the next book in the series.

Rating: 3.75 out of 5

Dark in You

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