Casee: October is proving to be a better reading month for me than September was. And September was good to me. I am still reading The Perfect Gentlemen series by Shayla Black and Lexi Blake. I adored the first two books. Adored. I’m currently reading Big Easy Temptation. It is book three in the series and just not as good as the first two. The book is written in two parts. “Then” and “Now”. Part One was incredibly slow. I think I started this book last Saturday. I was out of town, but I had time to read. I just couldn’t get into it. I buckled down when I got home and am now reading Part Two. It’s much better and I’m sure I’ll finish it up today. After that I will start the fourth book, Smoke and Sin.
I just finished listening to The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang this morning. Oh my, but this book was good. The narrator was good too. I highly enjoyed Stella and Michael. A heroine with autism and a prostitute hero is extremely unusual, but this author made it work. I’m going to start listening Speakeasy by Sarina Bowen today. I have really enjoyed the True North series.
Holly: I spent basically the entire week reading Shadow and Ice by Gena Showalter. It was so.freaking.slow. I had a really hard time getting into it, but I promised I’d read it to review with Rowena and Casee, so I couldn’t set it aside. I’m so glad to be finished with it.
I finished listening to Speakeasy by Sarina Bowen, which I enjoyed. It isn’t my favorite of the series, but I ended up liking May and Alec together. I’ve been trying to read Archangel’s Prophecy by Nalini Singh for months. I keep picking it up and then setting it aside. I finally decided I needed to reread Archangel’s Heart to refresh my memory, so I listened to the audio this week. It was so good, I immediately dove into Archangel’s Prophecy. I loved it. This series is amazing. It’s definitely my favorite of all Singh’s series.
I’m currently listening to The Scribe by Elizabeth Hunter (currently $1.49 for Kindle and included in the Romance Package on Audible). I’m really liking the story itself, but the narrator isn’t my favorite. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to finish listening, or if I’ll have to read instead. Next up I’m going to read The Witch of Willow Hall by Hester Fox. I started it some time ago, but ended up setting it aside in favor of another book. Now I’m in the mood for something spooky.
Rowena: Rowena has some things she is taking care of today, but she will be back next Friday.
Giveaway Alert
We are very fortunate here at Book Binge. We have loads and loads of books to read and we want to share the wealth so each week, we’ll be tacking on a Freebie Friday giveaway to our What Are You Reading posts. This week, we’re giving away…

Series: Dark Kings #13
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Publication Date: May 29, 2018
Format: Print
Source: Publisher
Point-of-View: Third
Genres: Paranormal Romance
Pages: 368
Add It: Goodreads
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The King of Silvers. Cunning, perceptive, resourceful. Determined. Banished from Dreagan eons ago because of a betrayal that shattered his entire existence, his sole focus in life is to exact revenge against the Dragon Kings. A formidable fighter with centuries of rage on his side, Ulrik will stop at nothing to take down those who exiled him.
He has been alone, trusting no one for thousands of years. Until she walks into his life. He should not yearn for her, but there is no stopping the fiercely burning attraction. When he’s with her, he isn’t thinking of war or revenge. He only thinks about her, craves her. Burns for her. But soon he will be forced to choose: Will he continue on his course of destruction or will he be able to set aside his vengeance to save the woman who risked everything for him.
What are you reading this week? Any new favorites or books that drove you crazy? Share!
I am glad to hear that October has been a good reading month for you ladies. Its been better than September for me which is a relief. And yes isn’t The Kiss Quotient so so GOOD? I had such a fun time with it.
Some recent reads here ~
— with my husband, listened to Sleeping Giants (The Themis Files Book 1) by Sylvain Neuvel which proved to be enjoyable. It did leave us with questions, and I see now that the book actually has two sequels. I might read on.
— listened also to Moriarty: A Novel by Anthony Horowitz and got about half way through the book. I don’t have a desire to hear more, but my husband has continued on. He’s more of a Sherlock Holmes fan than I am.
— enjoyed a re-read of The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison which is a fantasy I recommend for adults and teens.
— read The Last Days of Night: A Novel by Graham Moore for my book group; it was an enjoyable historical novel.
— read Sheri Cobb South’s Peril by Post (John Pickett Mysteries) which is the most recent book in a pleasurable historical mystery series. This is a series that should definitely be read in order. [The first book in the series is In Milady’s Chamber.]
— also enjoyed the author’s free short story, Tales out of School, which precedes the novel above.
— and read and enjoyed Heidi Cullinan’s historical male/male romance A Private Gentleman though there is one big issue that strains credulity. Trigger warning for sexual abuse of children.
One Night with a Billionaire by Vicki Lewis Thompson was a fun read.
Yikes, you’re not the 1st blogger that mentioned how slow and ” bad” Gena’s new book/ series is. Im so disappointed in hearing that! And i adore Sarina’s Vermont series and ironically i listened to them all on audio too. Im currently hooked and an”older” series that i pulled out of my TBR pile, Jennifer Estep’s Elemental Assassin series. I love assassin books and the characters are all amazing with love triangles and mystery back stories that keep causing problems for the main characters. Great series
I read Duchess by Design by Maya Rodale and loved it so much! It’s set in NY in the Gilded Age and has an independent heroine, who we actually see being independent, running a business and navigating all the challenges someone of her social stature has to deal with at the time. It has women helping other women and great characters even the minor characters. The hero has decided to marry for money. His family is broke and he has responsibility to his mother and sisters plus all the employees of the estate. While he has hardships he still lives in a bubble of privilege, but after he and the heroine meet cute, he learns to step outside his small world and learn about the way society works for other people. It’s so good and my synopsis doesn’t do it justice, but I just recommend it to everyone.
I also liked The Duke I Tempted by Scarlett Peckham which actually has a lot in common with Duchess by Design. It’s set earlier and in England, but it also deals with a heroine who owns and is passionate about her business. It’s also darker and hotter. Overall I really liked the themes it dealt with and the characters, but the pacing was a little off and there was maybe a little too much miscommunications. The biggest miscommunication did come about communicating sexual desires and did seem in keeping with the time period.
The other book I read was Josh and Hazel’s Guide to Not Dating by Christina Lauren which I thought was okay. Basically Hazel grated on me since I’m not a big manic-pixie-dream girl fan. I did like that she was self-aware and wasn’t flaky and that she was okay with who she was. I liked Josh and it was well-written, but because of my dislike of Hazel I never quite connected to the book.
Duchess by Design does sound good, CelineB. Thanks for mentioning it!
I’m adding Duchess by Design to my wishlist. Thanks for the heads up on that one, Celine. I haven’t read any books by Maya Rodale though I’ve always want to try. That sounds like something I would enjoy.
I completely understand about Hazel from Josh & Hazel’s Guide to Not Dating. She was a lot to take on because she was so extra but I didn’t mind it.
Unreasonable Doubt by Vicky Delany. It looks like this is the last book in the series & that makes me sad.
nothing yet
Dead Case in Deadwood by Ann Charles. This series has a fun cast of characters.
The Bookshop of Yesterdays by Amy Meyerson. I’ve been drawn towards stories set in/around bookstores/libraries.
Do you have any particular stories of that nature that you’d recommend, Jana Leah?
Here are some others I’ve enjoyed:
Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore – Robin Sloan
The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend – Katarina Bivald
The Little Paris Bookshop – Nina George
Ink and Bone – Rachel Caine
The Book of Speculation – Erika Swyler
Do you like mysteries (especially cozies)? There are tons of series set in bookstores/libraries. I’ve read more of those than any other genre. Here are some good ones:
Scottish Bookshop Mystery Series – Paige Shelton
Books by the Bay Mysteries Series – Ellery Adams
Bookmobile Cat Mystery Series – Laurie Cass
Sherlock Holmes Bookshop Mystery Series – Vicki Delany
I haven’t gotten to these yet, but they’re on my list:
Paris by the Book – Liam Callahan
The Library at the Edge of the World – Felicity Hayes McCoy
How to Find Love in a Bookshop – Veronica Henry
Thanks so much for sharing your list, Jana Leah. I’ll be researching these titles.
Your welcome, Kareni! Hope you find some you’ll enjoy!
Hot & Badgered by Shelly Laurenston. Her stories never disappoint.
B is for Burglar by Sue Grafton. I’ve read some of the more recent books in this series & am playing catch-up on the earlier ones.
Cherish Hard by Nalini Singh. While I enjoyed this one I prefer her paranormal stories.