Silver Silence by Nalini Singh
Series: Psy/Changeling Trinity #1
Also in this series: Silver Silence, Silver Silence, Ocean Light, Ocean Light , Wolf Rain , Wolf Rain, Alpha Night, Alpha Night, Last Guard, Last Guard
Publication Date: June 13th 2017
Pages: 496
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New York Times bestselling author Nalini Singh returns to her extraordinary Psy-Changeling world with a story of wild passion and darkest betrayal...
Control. Precision. Family.
These are the principles that drive Silver Mercant. At a time when the fledgling Trinity Accord seeks to unite a divided world, with Silver playing a crucial role as director of a worldwide emergency response network, wildness and chaos are the last things she needs in her life. But that's exactly what Valentin Nikolaev, alpha of the StoneWater bears, brings with him.
Valentin has never met a more fascinating woman. Though Silver is ruled by Silence--her mind clear of all emotion--Valentin senses a whisper of fire around her. That's what keeps him climbing apartment buildings to be near her. But when a shadow assassin almost succeeds in poisoning Silver, the stakes become deadly serious...and Silver finds herself in the heart of a powerful bear clan. Her would-be assassin has no idea what their poison has unleashed...
Silver Silence kicks off the Psy-Changelings spin off series featuring the Trinity and it’s Silver Mercant’s book. Woot! I was very curious to see what kind of man Silver would fall for because her silence is fierce. She’s always been so calm and emotionless in her dealings with Kaleb so I was really excited to see her melt and who she’d melt for. Needless to say, I’d melt for Valentin too. He was super yummy and all of the things that I’ve come to love about the changeling males in this world.
So Silver Silence begins with an assassination attempt on Silver’s life and the book centers mostly around trying to find out who was behind the attempt. When danger starts spilling out all over the place, it is most important for the Mercants to hide Silver away so that they can uncover the bad guy. The bad guy is running around causing all kinds of chaos and the good guys (with Silver’s help) is trying to stop that but Silver can only do that while staying in the protective custody of Valentin’s clan.
Silver doesn’t understand why Valentin won’t just leave her alone. She’s made it more than obvious that his charms hold no sway over her and yet he still shows up at her house every few weeks to deliver reports he can deliver electronically instead. On the morning that she was poisoned, she was grateful that he was there as he was able to act fast and get her the help that she needed immediately. Before Silver knows what is what, she’s living with Valentin and getting to know his bear clan. He’s the alpha for his bear clan and getting to know him in the midst of his family, something happens to her and it’s inevitable that these two are going to get a lot closer than she’s comfortable with.
Valentin has made it crystal clear that he wants Silver. He’s been intrigued with the frosty Mercant since he first met her and he’s determined to claim her as his own. He’s got the long game going on right now because Silver is not on board with his plan. She doesn’t know how good they’ll be and Valentin has every intention of winning her over to his side. On top of pursuing Silver, Valentin has pack issues that he’s trying to figure out and my heart hurt for him because of that. He’s such a lovable guy who has a wealth of love and affection to give every single person in his pack and I couldn’t wait to see how things came together for him and his pack, as well as him and Silver.
Valentin and Silver’s romance rocked my socks. It was such fun to watch Silver fight what was happening at the same time that she was melting for him. She was confused and she was frightened but she didn’t let that stop her from seeing things through. I loved how fierce Valentin’s feelings for Silver were and I absolutely loved that she came to return those feelings. The way that she was protective of him rocked and overall, Nalini Singh did what she always does. She wrote an action packed romance with rich characters and a background story that will gain force with each book released and I can’t wait for all of it. It’s low key pathetic how anxious I am for the next book in this series. I need it now. Please write faster, Nalini!
Silver Silence was a fantastic start to the Psy-Changelings Trinity series and I’m so here for it all. I wonder who will get their story told next….Lily? Whoever it is, I’m ready!
Grade: 4.25 out of 5
Could a new reader jump right into this series? Well, I’m not a new reader, but I’ve only read a couple of the Psy Changling books and when I look at how long the list is I tend to feel overwhelmed, and then I never read more, and then I feel stupid for not reading them because they’re good and everyone else loves them, and then I feel ridiculous and move on to reading something else every time (neurotic much, Jen?). But if I could just sidestep and start this new series, I’d probably feel less overwhelmed, haha.
I think you can start fresh here. Or even with Heart of Obsidian. There’s enough background info to catch you up either way. HoO does kind of pave the way for this new book, however, so I’d recommend starting there. Plus that gives you four books to read instead of one (and trust me, you’ll be glad of that once you get into it).
I would say start from the beginning – there are some fabulous books in there – and also the layering of the world they live in that carries through the books – will give you a richer reading experience!
I love finding a new to me author with lots of back books – I found C S Harris last year and she had 10 books out in the series and I was thrilled! Take a deep breath and dive in!
I agree with Willa, starting from the beginning prepares the reader for everything that comes later and it helps the reader appreciate the world better.
I adored this book!!! Great review!
Thanks Samantha!! Wasn’t it so good?