Tag: Rowena’s Reading

What Are You Reading? (195)

What Are You Reading? (195)

Holly: I managed to get a lot of reading in this week, which is a nice change from those weeks where I read nothing. I did a lot of re-reading, which is totally Rowena’s fault for trying to one-up me in the book boyfriend game. Always by Jeanne Renick, The Dark Highlander by Karen Marie […]

What Are You Reading? (194)

What Are You Reading? (194)

Rowena: I had a good reading week. I read a few books this week and some worked for me while others didn’t. I read Waiting on You by Kristan Higgins and sadly, this book didn’t work for me at all. There were far too many things that bugged me about this book (the heroine’s dumb […]

What Are You Reading? (193)

Posted March 14, 2014 by Rowena in Features | Tagged: , | 4 Comments
What Are You Reading? (193)

Rowena: It seems like every week, I’m reporting on the same story.  It’s starting to get old but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s true.  I’m not reading much and that makes me sad because I make ground on my reading goal and then I fall back even more.  I feel like I’m constantly […]

What Are You Reading? (192)

What Are You Reading? (192)

Rowena: I haven’t read much this week.  Like, barely a book.  I started Pulled Under by Michelle Dalton but I haven’t had the time to focus on it so I haven’t read much of it.  So that’s what I’m still reading. Holly: I’ve read nothing for two weeks. Nada. Zip. Zilch. I haven’t even opened […]

Books to Binge On: March 2014

Books to Binge On: March 2014

Rowena: March is here and there are quite a few books to look forward to but here are the books that Holly and I are pretty anxious for.  All March releases. We’ll try not to sound too greedy but we can’t make any promises. Holly: Night Broken by Patricia Briggs An unexpected phone call heralds […]