Tag: Rowena Says

It’s April 11th…What are you reading? (3)

It’s April 11th…What are you reading? (3)

Casee: I’m reading Chased By Moonlight by Nancy Gideon. It’s the second book in a new shape-shifter series. The series follows the same couple–a cop and an ex-criminal. The dynamic of the relationship makes for good reading. I’m almost done with it. I have three or four books I’m trying to decide on. I can’t […]

Monthly Reads: March

Monthly Reads: March

Casee: March has been the best month as far quantity goes. I read a lot of great books in March. I also read some not so great books. My total for the month was 12. Abandon the Night by Joss Ware (4.75/5) Unseen by Nancy Bush (3.5) Fire and Ice by Julie Garwood (3.5/5) Angel’s […]

It’s That Time Again…What Are You Reading? (2)

It’s That Time Again…What Are You Reading? (2)

Rowena: It’s that time again, a fresh new week to discuss the books that we’re reading. I’ll start with this. I stopped reading the Libby Malin book because I can’t get into it. I’m wasting time tying to get into it so I just put it away. I started reading Taken by Storm by Angela […]

What Are You Reading? (1)

What Are You Reading? (1)

What Are You Reading is a new feature we’re starting. WAYR is a weekly open thread we’ll start every Sunday. We’ll tell you what we’re reading and ask that you do the same in the comments. Throughout the week we’ll update in the comments as we go along and we urge all of you to […]

Reading Habits

Because we’re nosy the curious sort, how about a little impromptu poll about your reading habits? On average, about how many books do you read a month? Where is your favorite place to read? Do you read ebooks? 3a. If you do, what percentage of your reading is dedicated to ebooks (i.e., how many ebooks […]