Tag: Holly’s Reading

What Are You Reading? (669)

 Holly Since last time, I finished The Devil in Him (Devil’s Cradle #3) by Suzanne Wright and The House Witch 3 (The House Witch #3) by Delemhach. I read the Deals with Demons series by Stacia Stark: Speak of the Demon, Dance with the Demon, Inner Demons, Luck of the Demon, and Demon’s Advocate. […]

What Are You Reading? (668)

Posted February 9, 2024 by Casee in Features | Tagged: , , | 3 Comments
What Are You Reading? (668)

Casee I’ve tried to read a few books this week, but nothing has really held my attention. I started A Promise of Ashes (The Thornheart Trials #5) by Sherilee Gray, but it didn’t really hold my attention. I started The Wicked in Me (Devil’s Cradle #1) by Suzanne Wright. It is really interesting so I […]

What Are You Reading? (667)

Posted January 26, 2024 by Holly in Features | Tagged: , , | 8 Comments
What Are You Reading? (667)

Casee I’ve not really been into reading lately. I’ve been listening to audiobooks mostly. It’s sad. I’m currently reading Chosen Destiny (Twisted Fate Trilogy #3) by Jen L. Grey. It’s an okay read, but nothing spectacular. They are a somewhat entertaining and easy read. I was hoping for more, though. I was looking forward to […]

What Are You Reading? (665)

Posted December 1, 2023 by Holly in Features | Tagged: , , | 7 Comments
What Are You Reading? (665)

Holly The last week of November really kicked my butt. Between work and family obligations, I had very little time to read. I finished listening to Things We Left Behind by Lucy Score. I really liked it and it promoted me to go back and reread the first book in the series, Things We Never […]

What Are You Reading? (664)

Posted November 17, 2023 by Casee in Features | Tagged: , , | 2 Comments
What Are You Reading? (664)

Casee I’ve been going through reading spurts. Sometimes I get home from work and don’t read at all. Sometimes I come home and I read for hours. I’m currently reading Bad for You (Rocktown Ink #4) by Sherilee Gray. I’m really enjoying this series. I’m listening to Ashes (Dark in You #3) by Suzanne Wright […]