Genre: Paranormal Romance

Guest Review: Brennus by Hazel Hunter

Guest Review: Brennus by Hazel Hunter

Brennus is a Skaraven warrior.  He and his fellow warriors were slaves to the druids until they died 12 centuries ago.  They’ve been brought back to life and made immortal by the druids to help fight evil druids who are planning on decimating the planet.  Brennus, the Chieftain of the clan, refuses to let his […]

Guest Review: The Big Alpha in Town by Eve Langlais, Milly Taiden & Kate Baxter

Guest Review: The Big Alpha in Town by Eve Langlais, Milly Taiden & Kate Baxter

Bearing His Name by Eve Langlais Jade sent snarky “Congratulations you’re a father!” cards to a whole slew of men in the same extended family.  Her sister Ruby is pregnant by one of them, but she has no idea which one.  She was at a Halloween party and only knows that the guy was dressed […]

What Are You Reading? (+ Autographed Paranormal Giveaway)

What Are You Reading? (+ Autographed Paranormal Giveaway)

Casee: This has not been a strong reading week for me. I have a lot of things going on this month and I don’t think that I will get a lot of reading time. I’m still reading Order of Protection by Lexi Blake. I haven’t gotten any further into it then I was last week. […]

Review: Dark Legacy by Christine Feehan

Review: Dark Legacy by Christine Feehan

I’m pretty much on the fence about this one. It wasn’t my favorite book in the Dark series, but it wasn’t my least favorite either. My favorite goes to the first book in the series, Dark Prince. My least favorite most certainly goes to Dark Promises. I despised that book. I was way too generous […]

Guest Review: Drakon’s Past by N.J. Walters

Guest Review: Drakon’s Past by N.J. Walters

Nic has been a bit on the outskirts of the previous books in this series. Unlike the other brothers who tend to keep to themselves, Nic seems to spend a lot of time with regular humans. He loves to party and act the playboy, particularly in Vegas. What his brothers don’t know, though, is that […]