Genre: Contemporary Romance

DNF Review: Wild Irish Heart by Tricia O’Malley

DNF Review: Wild Irish Heart by Tricia O’Malley

I started listening to this on audio, but switched to the ebook about 3 chapters in. The heroine was frustrating me, but I thought it might be the way the narrator was speaking for her. Sadly, that wasn’t the case. She was just immature and childish. She was supposedly 28 years old, but she acted […]

Review: Cake by J. Bengtsson

Review: Cake by J. Bengtsson

Cake is the first book in the Cake series. The series follows the McKallister family. This book is about Jake McKallister, the rockstar of the family. No really, he’s seriously a rockstar. Like, for real. Casey Caldwell never thought she would be walking down the aisle with Jake McKallister. Yet that is exactly what she […]

Review: Wild Irish by C.M. Seabrook

Review: Wild Irish by C.M. Seabrook

I was looking for some Ireland-set novels for St. Patrick’s Day and grabbed this one from the Audible Romance Package. About 30% in I nabbed the ebook from KU, because I was having a hard time with how slow the narrator was. I actually really liked his voice and his Irish accent for Cillian, but […]

Sunday Spotlight: Just the Sexiest Man Alive by Julie James

Sunday Spotlight: Just the Sexiest Man Alive by Julie James

Sunday Spotlight is a feature we began in 2016. This year we’re spotlighting our favorite books, old and new. We’ll be raving about the books we love and being total fangirls. You’ve been warned. 🙂 A few weeks ago, a friend and I were talking about all things books when our love of Julie James came […]

What Are You Reading? (+ Stephanie Evanovich Giveaway)

What Are You Reading? (+ Stephanie Evanovich Giveaway)

Casee: I’m currently reading Ride Steady (Chaos #3) by Kristen Ashley. I skipped book two because I heard it wasn’t very good. These books are so bad, they’re good. I don’t understand it at all. It’s something that I continually try to work out in my head, but it just doesn’t compute to me. I’m […]