Genre: Contemporary Romance

Cover Reveal: Superfan by Sarina Bowen

Cover Reveal: Superfan by Sarina Bowen

Here on Book Binge, we’re super fans of both Sarina Bowen and this series so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that we’re stoked for the release of Silas’ book, Superfan. Today, we’re sharing the newly released cover along with a bunch of other blogs but we wanted to mark the occasion on ours as […]

Guest Review: Blind Kiss by Renee Carlino

Guest Review: Blind Kiss by Renee Carlino

So…have you ever read a book and you kept thinking to yourself, “I need to stop reading this!” over and over again?  I have, and it’s definitely not a fun experience.  This book was like that.  It was like a car accident that you just couldn’t look away from – horrible, yet you just had […]

Joint Review: The Austen Playbook by Lucy Parker

Joint Review: The Austen Playbook by Lucy Parker

The Austen Playbook is the fourth book in Lucy Parker’s London Celebrities series and it follows Freddy Carlton as she falls head over heels in love with the last man she ever thought she’d catch feelings for. J. Ford-Griffin is a critic who has given her some harsh reviews for her work in different plays […]

Sunday Spotlight: Passion on Park Avenue by Lauren Layne

Sunday Spotlight: Passion on Park Avenue by Lauren Layne

Sunday Spotlight is a feature we began in 2016. This year we’re spotlighting our favorite books, old and new. We’ll be raving about the books we love and being total fangirls. You’ve been warned. 🙂 Lauren Layne has been at the top of my Best of lists in the last few years and she keeps coming […]

Review: Passion on Park Avenue by Lauren Layne

Review: Passion on Park Avenue by Lauren Layne

Passion on Park Avenue is the first book in Lauren Layne’s new Central Park Pact series and it kicks off a series of three women who became friends on the day of their boyfriend’s funeral. Yeah, all three had the same boyfriend but they didn’t know that they were sharing. It’s a weird premise but […]