Category: Features

Worst of 2016: The Books

Worst of 2016: The Books

Casee 1. Moonstruck by Lauren Dane: This was my only DNF book of the year. I just couldn’t get into it, which is a shame because I love Lauren Dane. Forgotten Sins by Rebecca Zanetti: O.M.G. Not only was this a Worst Of book, but it had a TSTL heroine and an amnesia plot. God […]

Sunday Spotlight: Honor’s Splendour by Julie Garwood

Sunday Spotlight: Honor’s Splendour by Julie Garwood

Sunday Spotlight is a feature we started in 2016 and we’re going to keep the party going in 2017. This year, we’ll be spotlighting our favorite books each week. Old or new, if it’s on our favorites list than it will be featured on the blog. Beware, there will be loads of fangirling going on. […]

WTF Cover Saturday (191)

Posted January 7, 2017 by Rowena in Features | Tagged: , | 3 Comments
WTF Cover Saturday (191)

This week’s WTF Cover comes from our good reader friend, Sandy. She’s really good to us. She shares some really good material for this weekly feature and this week is no different. Check it out: Yikes! What is that creature? That tail is something else. Even the cat isn’t happy about whatever that is.

Best of 2016: The Authors

Best of 2016: The Authors

Every year, authors make their way onto every readers favorites or not so favorites lists. Sure, we like a lot of authors fine but this list is for the authors that we loved. The authors that rocked our socks. Casee   Nalini Singh: Nalini has been on my Best Of list for the past 10 […]

What Are You Reading? (312)

What Are You Reading? (312)

Casee: I’m reading Blood Vow by J.R. Ward. It is book two from the Black Dagger Legacy series. I like it because it’s a fresh new view into the BDB. The BDB is most definitely intertwined, but the heart of it is on the fringes. Holly: I spent the week finishing my reread of the […]