WTF Cover Saturday (332)
I’m throwing it back today. I don’t know how these covers made it through any sort of art process. This is partly why romance is given a bad name. Even with that, I smile every time I see a cover like this.
I’m throwing it back today. I don’t know how these covers made it through any sort of art process. This is partly why romance is given a bad name. Even with that, I smile every time I see a cover like this.
Casee: I’m finishing up Hold on to Hope by A.L. Jackson. You guys, I LOVE THIS AUTHOR. Love her. Adore her. Want to marry her.
Sunday Spotlight is a feature we began in 2016. This year we’re spotlighting our favorite books, old and new. We’ll be raving about the books we love and being total fangirls. You’ve been warned. 🙂 Sarina Bowen is one of my favorite authors, is a stickler on my auto-buy list and she’s got a new book […]
This cover is just creepy to me. What say you?
Casee: I’ve read two books so far this month. Two (2!). Send help. So I’m still reading Vendetta Road by Christine Feehan. I’m liking it so far. Mostly. There are a few things that don’t work for me. I’ll get over them because it’s Christine Feehan and I love her. By the time I finish […]