Author: Holly

What Are You Reading? (317)

What Are You Reading? (317)

Casee: I’m still glomming Lexi Blake. I’m reading A Dom is Forever from her Masters and Mercenaries series. I’m still loving it as much as I did at the beginning. I also have reread a couple of Julie Garwood books. I love her historicals. Holly: I didn’t read anything this week. I skimmed a couple […]

Lightning Review: Alphas: Origins by Ilona Andrews

Lightning Review: Alphas: Origins by Ilona Andrews

Karina is on her way home from a field trip with a car full of kids when she unwittingly stumbles into a parallel universe. In order to save her daughter and the other kids she’s carpooling, she agrees to stay and be a blood donor for the Alpha Beast. The Alphas are genetically modified men who […]

Bookish Thoughts: Reading Challenges, Rereads, Goodreads Romance Week, Silver Silence by Nalini Singh and Amazon Fresh

Bookish Thoughts: Reading Challenges, Rereads, Goodreads Romance Week, Silver Silence by Nalini Singh and Amazon Fresh

The last few years I signed up for a Goodreads Reading Challenge. I set my reading goal at 200 books per year. Last year I fell short of that, but I’ve managed to meet or surpass it every other year. I get really frustrated with Goodreads, because reads aren’t tracked for the challenge unless the […]

Retro Review: Demon Angel by Meljean Brook

Retro Review: Demon Angel by Meljean Brook

As part of our 10 year anniversary celebration, we’ll be re-posting old reviews that make us cringe, laugh or sigh all over again. Man, I miss Meljean Brook. Per her website, she’s still writing, but things are going slooow. We haven’t had a new release from her in way too long. Demon Angel isn’t my […]