Review: Blaze by Suzanne Wright

Posted October 23, 2023 by Holly in Reviews | 11 Comments

Review: Blaze by Suzanne WrightReviewer: Holly
Blaze by Suzanne Wright
Narrator: Cat Doucette
Series: The Dark in You #2
Also in this series: Ashes , Shadows, Omens
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing, Piatkus
Publication Date: September 1, 2016
Format: Audiobook, eBook
Source: Purchased
Point-of-View: Alternating Third
Genres: Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy
Pages: 368
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Series Rating: four-stars

Defeat the enemy. Win the boy. Live happily ever after. But life "ever after" isn't as easy as it used to be. Harper's gone from being a member of a small demon lair to co-Prime of one of the most powerful lairs in the US with a mate who, though hot as hell, is just a mite overprotective - I mean, you get kidnapped by dark practitioners just once ...
Then one of Knox's demons goes rogue, and in his madness decides Knox Thorne must die. Harper's worried. Knox isn't - at least until he discovers his mate's willingness to get between him and danger.
Now, Knox has a new priority: Keep Harper safe matter what it takes. But Harper begins to suspect there's more danger than one rogue demon. It seems the combined strength of Harper and Knox has upset the balance of power in the demon world and there are those who are determined to right that wrong. Because when you move up the food chain, sometimes the other predators just want to take a bigger bite.

Blaze is the second book in the Dark in You series by Suzanne Wright. I purchased the book and downloaded the audiobook from the library so I could switch between reading and listening. I ended up listening to more of this book that I read. I enjoyed the narrator more than in the first book.

Knox and Harper have fully mated committed to each other, but there are many who are threatened by their combined power. As Harper tries to navigate the extreme changes that have gone on in her life as she settles in as Knox’s mate, they both have to deal with threats from multiple directions.

I liked this book slightly more than the first, though I do feel like overall story-arc is stretched out rather too far. Four books to tie up all these loose ends feels like too much. I enjoy Knox, Harper and their inner circle enough that I’m planning to continue, but I’m looking forward to reading about another couple.

Rating: 3.75 out of 5

Dark in You


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