What Are You Reading? (654)

Posted August 4, 2023 by Holly in Features | 3 Comments


I’m not reading anything because I’M GOING TO TAYLOR SWIFT!


I finished Craving in His Blood by Zoey Draven, which was just okay. Then I finished reading/listening to the Dark in You series by Suzanne Wright with Shadows, Omens, Fallen, Reaper and Hunted. I really liked the series as a whole and I’m looking forward to the next book. Then I read The Wicked in Me, the start of a new series by Wright, which I enjoyed, though I was left with a lot of unanswered questions. I DNF’d a couple books, then started Captivated by Suzanne Wright and Dragon-Ridden by T.A. White on audio. The narrator isn’t my favorite, so I ended up reading more than listening. I’m reading the second book, Of Bone and Ruin, now.

What are you reading this week? Any new favorites or books that drove you crazy? Share!

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3 responses to “What Are You Reading? (654)

  1. Kareni

    Over the past week ~

    — For my distant book group, I read The Girl He Used to Know by Tracey Garvis Graves. The book takes place in 1991 and 2001 and features a college student with autism and the young man who she dates. I found it an enjoyable and somewhat predictable read but fairly light (though it did have some sad events).
    — the contemporary male/male romance To the Moon and Back by N.R. Walker which I enjoyed. This was set in Australia and featured the single father of a newborn and a nanny.
    — a graphic novel which was an okay read, Star Trek: Picard-Countdown by Kirsten Beyer.
    — stayed up late to finish Hello Stranger by Katherine Center which I quite enjoyed. It featured a portrait painter who experiences face blindness after surgery and two men in her life.
    — read an enjoyable contemporary male/male romance that had me laughing aloud ~ Awfully Ambrose (Bad Boyfriends, Inc.) by Sarah Honey. This featured two college students, one of whom hired the other to act as a boyfriend after his mother kept matchmaking.

  2. DiscoDollyDeb

    I chanced upon STEPBROTHER DEAREST by new-to-me author Willow Dixon. It’s quite good, and a bit outside the “standard” stepbrother romances (whether m/m or m/f) in that the MCs are older (mid-twenties), didn’t grow up together (both MCs lived with their own mothers), and haven’t seen each other for years when they unexpectedly cross paths. Not the greatest book ever written, but I give Dixon points for moving the MCs away from the usual “stuck in a house together at 17 years old when one MC’s mom marries the other MC’s dad” set up so common in the step-sibling sub-genre.

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