Casee: I’ve had a pretty good reading month so far. Well, compared to the past two month. I finished Blood Fury by JRW, which I really enjoyed. I am finally reading Archangel’s Viper by Nalini Singh. I can’t believe this book got buried so far down in my TBR pile. I am not ashamed to admit that the Guild Hunter series is my favorite series by Nalini. I usually devour everything she releases right when it comes out, but I missed this one somehow. I am really enjoying Venom and Holly’s story.
Next up is either Storm Gathering by Rebecca Zanetti or Kato: The Stone Warriors by D.B. Reynolds. I haven’t decided yet.
Holly: I had a book hangover from The Others series this week. Nothing I picked up after them really appealed, so I ended up going back and re-reading the series. I feel like I really zipped through them the first time, so it was good to go back and take my time with the stories. I also re-read Sweep in Peace by Ilona Andrews for a joint review with Rowena.
I’m currently reading The Darkling Bride by Laura Andersen (which is fabulous so far) and listening to Lord of Scoundrels by Loretta Chase.
Rowena: This week was for reading The Wedding Date by Jasmine Guillory. I heard so many good things about it and I really zipped through the book the first time that I read it because there were things that annoyed me in that read that I didn’t think were a big deal until I started writing down my thoughts for my review. The things that annoyed me became much bigger and so I had to read it again, slowly to figure my mind out about it. In the end, I didn’t like it. There were parts that showed promise but overall? It wasn’t for me.
After reading The Wedding Date, I started and finished Runaway Groom by Lauren Layne and loved the hell out of that book. Gage and Ellie entertained the socks right off of me and I was wearing socks because it was cold that night. That was such a great book. I enjoyed it so much more than I enjoyed the first book in the series, Ready to Run. After that, I jumped into Sweep in Peace by Ilona Andrews and I’m finishing that up today so that I can jump into Living Out Loud by Staci Hart.
Giveaway Alert
We are very fortunate here at Book Binge. We have loads and loads of books to read and we want to share the wealth so each week, we’ll be tacking on a Freebie Friday giveaway to our What Are You Reading posts. This week, we’re giving away…

Series: Fur #1
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Publication Date: January 30, 2018
Genres: Paranormal Romance
Pages: 400
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Bearing His Sin
Cole should have killed Anja the moment he realized she was his mate. Instead, he let her live and now they’re on the hunt, chasing the morons who think they can force her to marry another man. Like hell. And while this shapeshifting bear might have his share of sins, he’s not going to let little things like murder and mayhem prevent him from having the woman meant to be the keeper of his heart.Bought by the Bear
Josilyn Martinez just needed the money to help raise her nephew. That's it. There's no other reason she would take a job posing as a shifter's mate so he can assure his grandmother he's settled down. There's no reason to stay at his place so they learn "more about each other." And there's definitely no good reason she should get involved with the hard, hot, and handsome shifter that's hired her.
Xander just needs a fake mate for a week to get his grandmother off his back. But what's a bear shifter to do when the impostor mate he hired turns out to be his actual mate? All sweet, luscious curves and a heart of gold, Xander's not going to let his mate get away. Now all he has to do is show her that they belong together, one kiss and touch at a time...
What are you reading this week? Any new favorites or books that drove you crazy? Share!
Casee, I’m glad you are enjoying Venom and Holly! I loved their story (but I think I love the Psy-Changeling series more than Guild hunter!)
Rowena-bummer about the Wedding Date. People did seem to rave about it. Thats always a let down when you can’t get into a book everyone seemed to love!
Hey Samantha!
Yes, I liked it or at least I thought I liked it but when I was writing down my thoughts in my reading journal, the things that annoyed me were what stood out to me so I had to change my rating on GR. Gah. I wanted to like it but in the end, I was more disappointed than anything.
I’m reading Spiders in The Grove by J.A. Redmerski
I’m reading Interborough on hoopla, An Ice Cold Grave on audio, A Paris Apartment in print and Take the Lead in kindle. I’m sad because I’m not connecting with Take the Lead like I thought I would.
I just finished Dear Fahrenheit 451: Love and Heartbreak in the Stacks: A Librarian’s Love Letters and Breakup Notes to the Books in Her Life by Annie Spence which I adored. The title basically explains the book. It’s composed of several short letters to books the author’s read, tried to read, meant to read, or had contact with in her job as a librarian. It’s an ode to reading and all the feelings and experiences it creates. It was a fun, short, and fast, but not as fast as it should have been, read. It wasn’t as short as it should have been because I kept putting it down to add books to my Goodreads TBR list and check to see if my library had them.
Before that I was working my way through the Sarina Bowen books that I don’t own, but are on Scribd which I recently re-subscriped to since they went back to unlimited reading. I read Brooklynaire and Bountiful which were both very good. I thought Shooting for the Stars was just okay and I ending up not finishing Man Card (co-authored with Tanya Eby). I just wasn’t getting into the book. Neither the characters or humor were drawing me in and even though it wasn’t bad I just felt like it wasn’t worth committing time to when I have so many other books to read.
Hey Celine, yes! Brooklynaire and Bountiful were great reads but Shooting the Stars wasn’t a favorite and I DNF’d Man Hands so I never read Man Card either. That makes me sad because I normally love all things Sarina Bowen.
Oh, I also read The Sins of Lord Lockwood by Meredith Duran! It was so great! I’ve been waiting years for Lockwood’s story and Duran did not disappoint.
nothing now
I’m reading Shannon Drake’s Victorian series starting with ‘Wicked’
Knight’s Touch by Amanda Ashley
Some recent reads here ~
— I quite enjoyed Jo Walton’s My Real Children which was my choice for my book group. I’d read many of Jo Walton’s book reviews, but this is the first work of her fiction that I’d read.
— I also re-read with pleasure three of Patricia Briggs’ Alpha and Omega novels in anticipation of her next book in that series that is coming out in March.: Hunting Ground, Fair Game, and Dead Heat.