What Are You Reading? (306)

Posted October 28, 2016 by Rowena in Features | 7 Comments


Casee: I almost don’t want to contribute to this feature until I start reading more. I just can’t pick it up. Between everything going on in my life, I can’t even read more than one book a week. I’m still reading When All The Girls Have Gone by Jayne Ann Krentz. It’s not grabbing me so I’m thinking of trying something else. I need something to really grab me, but I hate leaving a book unfinished. We shall see.

Holly: This week I continued re-reading the Elder Races series by Thea Harrison. I finished The Wicked, Lord’s Fall, Kinked, Dragos Takes a Holiday, Pia Saves the Day and Peanut Goes to School. I’m not sure what I’m going to read next. I should read some review books, but I might finish re-reading the series instead.

Rowena: It’s been a pretty slow reading week for me because I’m so busy at work and with family stuff. I read Someone Like You by Lauren Layne because I was lucky enough to get an eARC of the book and you guys, it was fantastic. I loved Lincoln and Daisy. Seriously. Lincoln is probably my favorite hero of the year. So much goodness. After that, I went back and finished Ruled by Elle Kennedy, which I finished last night. I liked it but I didn’t love it. Now, I’m reading The Other Sister by Dianne Dixon because it’s time to buckle down on my review pile.

What are you reading this week? Any new favorites or books that drove you crazy? Share!

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7 responses to “What Are You Reading? (306)

  1. Sharlene Wegner

    I read Beautiful by Christina Lauren & it was so, so good! Couldn’t put it down, even to sleep. I also read the 3rd book in Carolyn Brown’s Lucky Penny Ranch series, Merry Cowboy Christmas. Loved it! The whole series is great!

  2. Jen

    I had to take a couple sick days this week (boo!) but it meant I got to do some reading (yay!). I bought a shameful amount of Harlequin books during their recent sale so I read several Romantic Suspenses. None were anything to write home about except Bayou Hero by Marilyn Pappano, which really stuck with me (in a mostly good way). I also read a review copy of The Fixer which is an upcoming HelenKay Dimon book. I liked that one a lot. The hero is kind of odd, but I found him so lovable underneath. I’m excited about this new series because I like what I saw so far!

  3. Kareni

    Holly, I also liked Thea Harrison’s Dragos Takes a Holiday, Pia Saves the Day, and Peanut Goes to School. I keep hoping that the three newer novellas (none of which I’ve yet read) will come out in a paperback as did those first three.

    Books I read this week ~

    — Just Kiss Me by Rachel Gibson was an enjoyable contemporary romance; it did have me tearing up a time or two but it also made me chuckle.
    — With the talk of the recent DDoS attack, I was reminded of a favorite book which deals with a similar issue and thus re-read it. I enjoyed it once more. About That Night by Julie James
    — I skimmed a fairly new young adult science fiction novel. I started reading it, but it did not command my full attention. That said, I was still interested in knowing how the story progressed, thus the skimming. On the Edge of Gone by Corinne Duyvis
    — the contemporary romance Barely Breathing: A Colorado High Country Novel by Pamela Clare which I enjoyed. For those familiar with this author, this is not a part of her I-Team series.
    — the contemporary romance Jane’s Long March Home (Falling for a Hero Book 1) by Susan Lute; this was a pleasant read but is not likely a book I’ll re-read. It is currently free to Kindle readers.
    — the science fiction romance Grim (Tornians Book 1) by M.K. Eidem which I enjoyed despite the over the top storyline and the editing and tense errors.
    — and a re-read of Michelle Diener’s science fiction romance Dark Horse (Class 5 Series Book 1) which I enjoyed once more.
    — as well as a re-read of Diener’s Dark Deeds (Class 5 Series Book 2) and Dark Minds (Class 5 Series Book 3).
    — Marie Force’s Fatal Identity which is the eleventh book in the Fatal series. This is a series that is best read in order. I enjoyed it even though parts of the story strained credulity.
    — I read close to 200 pages of Frost Line by Linda Howard and Linda Jones before putting it aside. Had I been in a different mood or, more importantly, had it been the only book available to me, I’d likely have finished it.
    — I did finish Arctic Winds (Alpine Woods Shifters series) by Sondrae Bennett; however, I was hoping for better and was also too lazy to look for something else to read. It’s not a book I’ll be reading again.

  4. JenM

    October has been a good reading month and I finished it up with two great reads. The first was Murder in Containment by Anne Cleeland. This is the fourth in a mystery series featuring a couple who work for Scotland Yard and met on the job. There are strong romantic elements and class differences between the hero and heroine (he’s a bit older, rich and titled, she’s Irish, and comes from a lower middle class background). She’s got “the Sight” and can read people’s emotions and tell when they are lying. He’s kind of obsessed with her which would be creepy for some readers but doesn’t bother me, I think because she’s got her own power because of her extranormal abilities.

    The second book I read that I loved was Bittersweet by Sarina Bowen. Griff was literally my perfect hero. Where can I find one of those LOL! Thankfully I’ve got Steadfast waiting patiently on my Kindle thanks to a giveaway here.

  5. CelineB

    I ended up having a really good reading week after worrying that I was in the start of a slump. I also read Bittersweet and JENM, you’re going to have to fight me for Griffin! He was a great hero. I also loved Audrey and the book as a whole. After that was Dangerously Charming by Deborah Blake, a spinoff of her Babba Yaga series; it was a solid read. I then read a library book, Like a River Glorious, the second in Rae Carson’s books set during the gold rush. The heroine can divine gold and is trying to start a new life away from her uncle that wants to use her to get rich, but of course he is looking for her. I liked this one quite a bit, it had some good action and history with a touch of romance. Next up was Steadfast, the second True North book by Sarina Bowen, and it was so good as well. It was more angsty than Bittersweet, but really good in its own way. It was nice to see Jude get his life back on track. I finished The Hating Game by Sally Thorne last night (at 3AM) and I loved it! I was worried that with my expectations set high from all the great reviews I’ve read, I’d be disappointed. Luckily I wasn’t. I just started Wylding Hall by Elizabeth Hand which is a novella about a acid folk band in the 70s who goes to a mansion to record an album and the lead singer ends up disappearing never to be heard from again. The book takes the form of interviews with the remaining band members in present day.

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