What Are You Reading? (297)

Posted August 19, 2016 by Casee in Features | 4 Comments


Casee: I’m not reading a thing right now because I can’t decide what to read. I read Mercury Striking and Shadow Falling by Rebecca Zanetti and I loved both of them. After reading Rowena’s review of Ruthless by Lexi Blake, I really want to read that, but I’m not sure that I’m done with Zanetti yet. Then this morning I had a friend say that she loved a romantic suspense series that Elle Kennedy writes. Send help.

Holly: I started reading Homecoming by Shannon Stacey this week, but then I uncovered Magic Binds by Ilona Andrews, which got buried during our move, so I set Homecoming aside to dive into it. I’m about halfway through and loving it. When I finish I’ll go back to Homecoming.

Rowena: It’s been a pretty good reading week for me. I read Rookie Move by Sarina Bowen and enjoyed it then I moved on to Who’s That Girl? by Mhairi McFarlane and enjoyed that one as well but not nearly as much as I enjoyed her other books. It was really long too. Unnecessarily so but still, I didn’t hate it. I finished my re-read of The Year We Fell Down by Sarina Bowen last night and loved it all over again so now I’m reading The Trouble with Mistletoe by Jill Shalvis.

What are you reading this week? Any new favorites or books that drove you crazy? Share!

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4 responses to “What Are You Reading? (297)

  1. Jen

    As usual, life intervened and I didn’t get quite as much reading time this week as I thought I would, but I had more time than I did most of the summer! I read two ARCs burning holes in my kindle: Sunset in Central Park by Sarah Morgan and In Safe Hands by Katie Ruggle. I really enjoyed them both in their own ways, and boy was I anxious to read the Ruggle book because it concludes the Search and Rescue series.

    I also started One Minute to Midnight by Nico Rosso, which I like but not as much as I WANT to like it, ya know what I mean?

    Then I read the novella Unexplored by Anna Hackett, which is part of her Treasure Hunters series–fun but also kind of bonkers and uncomfortable in its treatment of “native people”. And finally, I read a couple categories, none of which really stuck out in my mind.

  2. Kareni

    This covers a couple of weeks reading. On a recent trip, my husband and I started to listen to Elizabeth Peters’ Crocodile on the Sandbank (Amelia Peabody Book 1); however, we gave it up after a couple of hours. We didn’t dislike it but put it aside in the hopes of listening to something a little more gripping. We went on to listen to Patricia Briggs’ Moon Called: Mercy Thompson, Book 1 as narrated by Lorelei King. I’d already read the book, but it was new to my husband. We both enjoyed it.

    On our return trip and at home we listened to China Mieville’s The City and the City as narrated by John Lee. It was an intriguing book with a complex storyline. I’d describe it as detective story/science fiction.

    — a re-read of the historical romance Marrying The Captain by Carla Kelly
    — the paranormal romance Bleacke’s Geek (Bleacke Shifters) by Lesli Richardson; I had heard good things about this book but the reality fell a little short.
    — a re-read of the contemporary new adult romance The Score (Off-Campus Book 3) by Elle Kennedy
    — the paranormal romance Wild Things: Shifters Unbound by Jennifer Ashley which is still free to Kindle readers
    — The most compelling book I read recently was The Last Hour of Gann by R. Lee Smith. This is a LONG book; I think my Kindle said it would take me some 13 hours or so to read.
    — Flesh & Bone: The Minstrel Series #2 by Lee Strauss. This was a light enjoyable romance but is not likely a book I’ll re-read. It is set in Germany which I found of interest.
    — a couple of short books for my library’s summer reading program: Everything Is Going to Be Okay by Bruce Eric Kaplan and Now Go Out There by Mary Karr. I really liked the Karr book which is basically a graduation speech she gave.
    — Ian McEwan’s Atonement for my book group. It was an interesting read.
    — the contemporary new adult romance Boarded by Love by Toni Aleo. It was a pleasant read but not a book I’ll soon re-read.
    — and today I finished Caroline Angell’s All the Time in the World which is probably classified as mainstream fiction or women’s fiction. I recommend it even though it made me cry!

  3. oh it looks like you have some great books y’all are currently reading. This week was one of the best reading weeks I have had in a LONG time. My favorite book I picked up was Mad For The Plaid by Karen Hawkins—brilliant, fun banter and sweet!!

    I haven’t read much of Elle Kennedy, only her Off Campus series and love her writing style. But I do love romantic suspense. But Rebecca Zanetti is one of my favorite authors to read….i LOVE her books.

    I am glad you are enjoying Sarina Bowen Rowena!! I have been hearing good things about her books. And you can never go wrong with Jill Shalvis.

  4. CelineB

    I had a really slow reading week. My brain just didn’t want to read for some reason. I did manage to read Harry Potter and the Cursed Child before the slump set in. It was a super fast read and enjoyable, but lacked the magic of the original books. This is quite possibly due to the fact that it wasn’t a book, but a play so it didn’t have the detailed descriptions of place and inner dialogue of the characters.

    I also finished The Immortal Heights by Sherry Thomas which I enjoyed and A Season of Ruin by Anna Bradley which was just okay for me. I liked Bradley’s voice, but felt that the characters weren’t developed enough.

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