What Are You Reading? (296)

Posted August 12, 2016 by Holly in Features | 6 Comments


Casee: I’m reading Sting by Sandra Brown. I’ve been reading it for a week and am only half way through it. It’s good, but it’s not quite grabbing me. I’m hoping to have time today to just sit down and finish it. I’m too far into it to just start something else. Next, I have Dragonmark by Sherrilyn Kenyon waiting for me at the library. I also have Mercury Striking by Rebecca Zanetti that I want to read. She is a new-to-me author. The book sounds really good and I’m looking forward to starting it.

Holly: Real life is still kicking my butt. I want to read, I just haven’t had a lot of time to do so. I re-read Exposure by Susan Andersen after a discussion on Twitter about it. Though I didn’t love it quite as much as I remember from previous reads, I still really enjoyed it. Elvis, the hero, has a hook and a scar, and Emma, the heroine, has an over-the-top N’Awlins drawl, but man do I dig them. Together and separately.  Aside from that I started about four other books, but I haven’t finished any of them yet. This weekend I plan to do nothing but read. It probably won’t happen, but I’m going to try.

Rowena: My kid flew to Colorado for the rest of summer so I’ve had plenty of time to get my read on and I did. I’ve been reading all week and I’m a happy camper right now. I finished Wild Embrace by Nalini Singh (good read), No Mistress of Mine by Laura Lee Guhrke (great read), The Rogue Not Taken by Sarah MacLean (LOVED this one) and A Scot in the Dark by Sarah MacLean (not for me :(). I’m back in the contemporary romance camp reading Rookie Move by Sarina Bowen and so far, it’s going great. I already love Trevi and his family but I’m slowly warming up to Georgie. She’s interesting so far. After this, I’m going to jump into Who’s That Girl? by Mhairi McFarLane. Yay!

What are you reading this week? Any new favorites or books that drove you crazy? Share!

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6 responses to “What Are You Reading? (296)

  1. Jen

    I had some reading time this week though not nearly as much as I was expecting (boo). But, I did reread one of my all time favorite books, Never Seduce a Scot by Maya Banks. I also read Repressed by Elisabeth Naughton (review coming). I read a few books from my seemingly endless pile of old Harlequins that I can’t stop picking up at the thrift store, though none were amazing. And I finally got around to reading An Invitation to Sin by Sarah Morgan. I am not too big on the celebrity heroines so dragged my feet on that one but I should have known Morgan would still write a story I’d love. All in all, way better than my last few reading weeks but I wasn’t able to get to as many books as I’d wanted.

  2. nikkiphilton

    I’ve had Kristen Ashley’s Ghosts and Reincarnation books on my TBR for a while, and finally started them. I don’t know why I took so long. Penmort Castle was the first and I really enjoyed it. I’m halfway through the second one, Sommersgate House, and am liking it just as much. I’ll probably start Lacybourne Manor tomorrow. I’m looking forward to Jayne Castle’s Illusion Town and SEP’s First Star I See Tonight, along with the latest from JD Robb, Apprentice in Death.

  3. CelineB

    I read Sleep Revolution by Arianna Huffington which was interesting and a pretty fast read. Then I read Luck, Love, and a Lemon by Amy E. Reichert and enjoyed it. I just finished The Perilous Sea, the second in the Elemental Trilogy by Sherry Thomas, and I just started the third, The Immortal Heights. Up next I’m going to read a book I won from goodreads, A Season of Ruin by Anna Bradley.

  4. JenM

    I loved Marrying Winterborne by Lisa Kleypas. Now I’m all excited for the third book but it won’t be out until next February. I also enjoyed a lovely book called The Wedding Bees by Sarah-Kate Lynch. I would classify it as LitFic, but it had a really sweet romance set in NYC between a beekeeper heroine and a lawyer who is allergic to bees. I also picked up two of RL Mathewson’s Neighbor from Hell series when they were on sale this week and read The Game Plan. These are totally guilty pleasure reads for me.

  5. I’m reading Rich Dad Poor Dad, It is a 1997 book written by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter. It advocates the importance of financial independence and building wealth through investing.

  6. Kareni

    Like Nikki above, I’m reading a Kristen Ashley book. I’m reading Bounty. Other recent reads include:

    — On a recent drive with my husband, Patricia Briggs’ Moon Called: Mercy Thompson, Book 1 as narrated by Lorelei King.
    — On our drive home, we started listening to China Mieville’s The City and the City as narrated by John Lee. We’re about two thirds of the way through but are finding it an intriguing book. It has a quite complex storyline.
    — a re-read of the historical romance Marrying The Captain by Carla Kelly
    — the paranormal romance Bleacke’s Geek (Bleacke Shifters) by Lesli Richardson; I had heard good things about this book but the reality fell a little short.
    — a re-read of the contemporary new adult romance The Score (Off-Campus Book 3) by Elle Kennedy
    — the paranormal romance Wild Things: Shifters Unbound by Jennifer Ashley which is currently free to Kindle readers
    — The most compelling book I read recently was The Last Hour of Gann by R. Lee Smith. This is a LONG book; I think my Kindle said it would take me some 13 hours or so to read.

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