Happy Halloween! What Are You Reading?

Posted October 31, 2010 by Holly in Features | 11 Comments

Holly: Last week was the week of the re-read for me. I reread the entire Mackenzie series, Cry No More and Now You See Her by Linda Howard. Then I re-read Love in the Afternoon by Lisa Kleypas, after reading Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor. Now I’m getting ready to re-read the Kell Sabin series by Linda Howard (Midnight Rainbow, White Lies, etc). I know I should be reading new books – I have a ton of them – but I’m enjoying revisiting some of my favorites.

Rowena: After last week’s awesome set up of books, I didn’t get very much reading done this week. Right now, I’m reading Hold Me Closer, Necromancer by Lish McBride and I started Five Flavors of Dumb by Antony John. So far, the Necromancer book is good. It started off a bit slow for me but now that I’ve got a chunk of the book read, I’m a happy camper. I’m reading Five Flavors of Dumb for an ARC Tour and so I’m going to have to get that read this week too but it’s a book that I’ve been looking forward to reading.

And that’s all.

Casee: I’m reading Master of Smoke by Angela Knight. I was lucky enough to read an ARC of Skin Heat by Ava Gray. I absolutely love that series. The next book comes out in July 2011 and that seems so far away. I’ve been re-reading Christine Feehan’s Carpathian series. Dark Prince was my very first paranormal.

Unfortunately I feel like I’m heading toward a slump. I’m really looking forward to seeing what everyone is reading. Hopefully I won’t go into a full slump. A half slump would be much better.

*image credit here

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11 responses to “Happy Halloween! What Are You Reading?

  1. Happy Halloween! I just finished Lover Avenged by JR Ward. Starting The Naughty List (Cynthia Eden/Donna Kauffman/Susan Fox). And next up is Sins of the Night by Sherrilyn Kenyon.

  2. Coolness. Right now, I am about to start ‘In bed with a Duke’ by Christina Dodd <--(love her). And I should be working on the newbies too, but I can't resist all the old classics I keep coming across (points to Teresa Medeiros's 'After Dark')
    I am planning on re-reading Love in the Afternoon by LK sometime soon, too. And I am dying to re-read ‘Till Dawn With The Devil’ by Alexandra Hawkins. I think AH’s book was one of THE best books to come out this year! Can’t wait till Feb. when After Dark with a Scoundrel comes out. Peeing-my-pants excited for that one.

    The other books you guys mentioned; i’ve either haven’t read or heard of but I’ll def check them out if you guys deem them worthy! (especially Christine Feehan’s book. I read Water Bound a few weeks ago but wasn’t “wow”-ed by it. I loved the plot and it was good most of the time, but I was looking for something.. idk, more, different, something?

    Happy Reading Gals!

  3. Almost through The Iron Duke and loving it! The world is so fantastic and the hero larger than life, yet flawed but he still tries. May have to read more of her work after this is over.
    Started Seducing and Angel by Mary Balough.

  4. I’m reading Silver Borne by Patricia Briggs – I’ve been saving it up and now I’m trying to read it slowly so I don’t gobble it down in a day or two. It’s not really working though.

  5. Anonymous

    I’m finishing up an old Anne Stuart, the Jack the Ripper one… Have a ton of books waiting at the library, so goodness only knows what’s up next! — willaful

  6. gamistress66

    Read “Ten Ways To Be Adored When Landing A Lord” by Sarah MacLean (great read) and “His Conquest” by Diana Cosby this weekend so far. Have been in the mood for a nice medieval but nothing in the tbr piled hit the right note so picked this up Friday and glad I did. Enjoyed it and it had just what I needed (whatever that mysterious thing was) to fix that craving. Started Stephanie Laurens’ “The Reckless Bride” for this evenings reading. Looking forward to seeing how the series ends.

  7. Like Holly I have been rereading old favourites, but that is because I am straining at the leash for my 10 new books that I get for my birthday on Saturday *YAY*

    Meanwhile it’s Lois Bujold McMasters, David Weber and Rachel Vincent to the rescue 😀

  8. Anonymous

    I decided to start All I Ever Wanted, which I won from you guy. Enjoying it a lot! Thanks again! — willaful

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