I re-read White Lies by Linda Howard, which is an old favorite. Then I read The Monster MASH by Angie Fox. It was just okay. I read Waking the Dragon by Juliette Cross. It didn’t really work for me. I had a hard time buying what the author was trying to sell. I may try another book in the series, but I’m going to hold off for awhile.
I started reading The Adversary by Thea Harrison, but I realized I didn’t remember enough from The Unseen and decided to re-read it instead. I’ll go back to The Adversary after I finish.
It’s been such a long week for me at work so I’m looking forward to the long holiday weekend. I’m trying to relax and not do anything that I don’t want to do for three days straight. As busy and long as my week has been, I still managed to read two books. Yay me. I finished The Flatshare by Beth O’Leary and really enjoyed it. I adored the note writing, the friendships, and the romance so that was a sweet romance. I also read So We Meet Again by Suzanne Park and enjoyed that one as well. Jess and Danny were an adorable couple and even though there were times when I wanted to smack Jess upside her head, that romance was another sweet one that made my work week a little better.
Right now, I’m reading Sweethand by N.G. Peltier and though it’s still early days, I’m liking it. I should finish it over the weekend and then I plan on jumping into Battle Royal by Lucy Parker. Have a great weekend, guys!