So, every month I put a list together of the books that I either need to read for review or the books that I want to get around to reading (finally). I’m also trying to be more responsible with my Kindle Unlimited and Audible Romance Package subscriptions so I’m going to post my TBR Pile on the blog so you guys can keep me honest.
I’ll also be sharing my progress each month even though for this month’s post, I’ll be sharing my progress through my February 2020 TBR Pile since I didn’t put a list together for last month. Oops. I’m telling you, this covid-19 thing had me all turned around, stressed and just not in the mood to read. I’m hoping to turn that shit around this month. Here’s how I did with my February pile (I read most of these books in March, a whole ass month later).
Previous Month Stats

Books to Read: 10
Books Read: 10
Books Unread: 0
Pages Read: 3,170 | Hours Listened: 0
Favorite Read: Chasing Cassandra | Least Favorite Read: The Kissing Game
Does it count if I read all of these books in March even though they were on my February TBR Pile? Screw it, it counts to me! I really did not like The Kissing Game but I adored the heck out of Chasing Cassandra. So all in all, it wasn’t a bad reading month at all.
April’s TBR Pile
Book Club

Publisher: Knopf
Publication Date: September 17, 2013
Format: eBook
Source: Purchased
Genres: Historical Fiction
Pages: 288
Add It: Goodreads
Reading Challenges: Rowena's 2020 Goodreads Challenge
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | The Ripped Bodice | Google Play Books
Set in post-war Germany, the international bestseller The Aftermath by Rhidian Brook is a stunning emotional thriller about our fiercest loyalties and our deepest desires. In the bitter winter of 1946, Rachael Morgan arrives with her only remaining son Edmund in the ruins of Hamburg. Here she is reunited with her husband Lewis, a British colonel charged with rebuilding the shattered city. But as they set off for their new home, Rachael is stunned to discover that Lewis has made an extraordinary decision: they will be sharing the grand house with its previous owners, a German widower and his troubled daughter. In this charged atmosphere, enmity and grief give way to passion and betrayal.
«Una novel·la captivadora, no només d’amor entre la runa, sinó també de traïció i venjança. Els dies que vindran és ple d’amors il·lícits –entre antics enemics, per un país i un règim derrocat–, i això és el que han de fer les bones novel·les: posar a prova les lleialtats i les consciències.» Literary Review
Well, book club has been canceled for however long we’re in this COVID-19 shelter in place thing in L.A. We canceled it last month too but we were supposed to read this book for book club. It was my sister Blanche’s turn to pick a book and she chose this one because she watched the movie and became low key obsessed with it. She’s been wanting someone to talk about it with so she made sure we’d read it and discuss it with her. Not going to lie, I’m glad book club got canceled because I have no interest in reading this one.
Buddy Reads

Gunmetal Magic (Kate Daniels #5.5) by Ilona Andrews: Our featured review for April on the blog is Gunmetal Magic by Ilona Andrews. You’ll be able to read our team review of that book in the last week of this month. So be sure to be on the lookout for that.
The Orchid Throne (Forgotten Empire #1) by Jeffe Kennedy: So Holly, Ames, and myself were supposed to read this book together last month and the only person that read it was Ames. We’re trying again this month so wish us luck? 🙂
Magic Rises (Kate Daniels #6) by Ilona Andrews: I will be reading this book with Holly this month. She’s been really good about giving me reasons to continue my Kate Daniels binge read. She’s the best, isn’t she?
Only When It’s Us (Bergman Brothers #1) by Chloe Liese: It’s Ames turn to choose our monthly buddy read and she chose this one. I’m thinking it’ll be a good palate cleanser between Kate Daniels books. I’m totally down for a frenemies romance with pranks. Sign me up!
Review Pile

Undercover Bromance (The Bromance Book Club #2) by Lyssa Kay Adams
Yours in Scandal (Man of the Year #1) by Lauren Layne
First Comes Scandal (The Rokesbys #4) by Julia Quinn
I haven’t touched my review pile in a month. The stress at work and with this whole COVID-19 thing is really messing with my reading mojo so I’m hoping to finally get around to reading the books that are sitting on my review pile, just waiting to be read.
TBR Pile

Magic Steals (Kate Daniels #6.5) by Ilona Andrews
Magic Breaks (Kate Daniels #7) by Ilona Andrews
Magic Shifts (Kate Daniels #8) by Ilona Andrews
I’m slowly working my way through the Kate Daniels series and I’m hoping to get the above books read before the month is up. So seriously, wish me luck!