Genre: Romantic Suspense

What Are You Reading? (+ Dawn Ryder Giveaway)

What Are You Reading? (+ Dawn Ryder Giveaway)

Casee: I’ve read a great book and listened to a not so great book over the last week. Long Shot by Kennedy Ryan was ah-maze-ing. Holy crap, this book did it for me in every way. It had all the feels. If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend that you pick it up. Filthy […]

What Are You Reading? (+ Scarlett Cole Giveaway)

What Are You Reading? (+ Scarlett Cole Giveaway)

Casee: The holidays have been kicking my butt. I have been reading crap for the last week. I finished Of Blood and Bone by Nora Roberts at 4:30 this morning. Unfortunately it was not an up all night reading session. It was more of a wake up before dawn, get coffee, sit down, pick up […]

Guest Review: Renegade Protector by Nico Rosso

Guest Review: Renegade Protector by Nico Rosso

Mariana Balducci is being pressured to sell her family’s California apple orchard to developers. When the developers start switching from hard-sell business tactics to all-out threats and violence, Mariana doesn’t know if she can hold out…until Ty Morrison swoops in to lend support. Ty doesn’t offer much information about himself or why he’s there to […]

Excerpt Spotlight: Too Far Gone by Allison Brennan

Excerpt Spotlight: Too Far Gone by Allison Brennan

Too Far Gone is the fourteenth book in the Lucy Kincaid series by Allison Brennan and it promises to keep your blood pumping with suspense and I’ve been in the mood for more suspense in my novels so I’m mighty interested in this one. I don’t read too many romantic suspense books but after reading […]

Guest Review: Be a Good Girl by Tess Diamond

Guest Review: Be a Good Girl by Tess Diamond

It’s always hard to write a review for a book that just didn’t grab your attention–this is one of those books! This book doesn’t exactly break new ground, with the hero and heroine coming back together to investigate their teenage friend’s murder and some new similar murders. Abby is an investigative reporter and Paul is […]