2019 Reading Goals

2019 Reading Goals

This year we’re all setting reading goals. We’re all participating in Super Wendy’s TBR Challenge, and we plan to bring back our Summer Reading Challenge this year. Below are our personal reading goals. Holly I try not to overwhelm myself with reading goals. If I set too many I can’t keep up with, I start […]

Review: The Night Masquerade by Nnedi Okorafor

Review: The Night Masquerade by Nnedi Okorafor

This is the third and final installment of the Binti trilogy. The trilogy definitely needs to be read in order. I’m of two minds about this trilogy. The world-building is well done. I thoroughly enjoyed Binti’s journey as she left her village and dared to travel through space during the first two novellas. I also […]

Review: Hoops Holiday by Kennedy Ryan

Review: Hoops Holiday by Kennedy Ryan

In an effort to support our wonderful romance community this year, Book Binge decided as a blog that we’ll be participating in Super Wendy’s 2019 TBR Challenge this year. January’s prompt was We Love Short Shorts! (shorter reads) so I chose to read Kennedy Ryan’s Hoops Holiday since I’ve been meaning to read it long […]

2018 Reading Year in Review: Holly

2018 Reading Year in Review: Holly

I track all my reading on Goodreads. I set up shelves for the info I want to track. When I finish a book, I add it to the relevant shelves and bam, done. I may try to keep a more detailed log this year, but we’ll see if that lasts. I’m pretty lazy when it […]

Review: Home by Nnedi Okorafor

Review: Home by Nnedi Okorafor

In Home, Binti is returning home to Earth after a year away at Oomza University. She snuck away from her village to attend, and dealt with some harsh situations while she was gone. In the process she brokered peace between two warring factions and became an interplanetary hero for uniting two cultures. She befriended an […]