Category: Features

Sunday Spotlight: Shadow Flight by Christine Feehan (+ Exclusive Excerpt)

Sunday Spotlight: Shadow Flight by Christine Feehan (+ Exclusive Excerpt)

Sunday Spotlight is a feature we began in 2016. This year we’re spotlighting our favorite books, old and new. We’ll be raving about the books we love and being total fangirls. You’ve been warned. 🙂 Excerpt Nicoletta had never liked the feeling of being in the shadows and yet she’d always been drawn to them. They’d […]

What Are You Reading? (524)

What Are You Reading? (524)

Casee: Self-quarantine has boosted by reading time tremendously. I’ve read four Christine Feehan books. Her writing sure has changed over the last several years. I’m now reading The Sinner by J.R. Ward. I’m actually enjoying it, which is somewhat surprising. I’m listening to Kiss the Stars by A.L. Jackson. I love this author and I […]

Rowena’s Monthly Recap: March 2020

Rowena’s Monthly Recap: March 2020

The Monthly Recap posts are a way for me to take a look back and reflect on my previous month in books. From the books that I read, the books that I got, and the books that I need to read. I always lose track of what I have, what I need to read and […]

Rowena’s Monthly TBR Pile: April 2020

Posted April 13, 2020 by Rowena in Features | Tagged: , | 1 Comment
Rowena’s Monthly TBR Pile: April 2020

So, every month I put a list together of the books that I either need to read for review or the books that I want to get around to reading (finally). I’m also trying to be more responsible with my Kindle Unlimited and Audible Romance Package subscriptions so I’m going to post my TBR Pile […]

What Are You Reading? (523)

What Are You Reading? (523)

Casee: I’m on a Christine Feehan binge this week. I finished Lethal Game last week then realized that I hadn’t read Viper Game or Spider Game. I’m reading Spider Game right now. I really enjoy this series though reading one right after does show the flaws of the series more than it would if I […]