Category: Features

What Are You Reading? (573)

What Are You Reading? (573)

Casee I’ve been reading a ton of MC romances. I finished up Devney Perry’s Tin Gypsy series. I’m just waiting for Tin Queen, which is the last book in the series. I’m super excited to read it. I’ve gone back to Jessica Gadziala’s Henchmen MC series. I’m reading Repo & am really enjoying it. It’s […]

Sunday Spotlight: Last Guard by Nalini Singh (+ Exclusive Excerpt)

Sunday Spotlight: Last Guard by Nalini Singh (+ Exclusive Excerpt)

Sunday Spotlight is a feature we began in 2016. This year we’re spotlighting our favorite books, old and new. We’ll be raving about the books we love and being total fangirls. You’ve been warned. 🙂 I’m always THRILLED when Nalini Singh releases a book. It doesn’t matter what she publishes, I will read it. I’m really […]

What Are You Reading? (572)

What Are You Reading? (572)

Casee I finished Last Guard by Nalini Singh this week and absolutely loved it. I’m reading Killer by Jessica Gadziala. It was the first book I picked up by this author and I’m glad I put it down and read in order. I have so much love for Shooter and can’t wait for him to […]