Category: Features

WTF Cover Saturday (95)

Posted January 3, 2015 by Holly in Features | Tagged: , | 5 Comments
WTF Cover Saturday (95)

We took a break from the WTF covers in December, but have no fear, we’re back with more terrible goodness in 2015.   You know what I love about this cover (aside from the look on her face and the awesome Photoshop collage, I mean)? That little door to nowhere. I mean, what are they […]

Books to Binge On: January 2015

Books to Binge On: January 2015

Rowena: A new year is under way and there are still so many freaking books to look forward to buying. January promises a bunch of good ones too so I’m so freaking excited. Like always, sorry not sorry? 🙂 1. I Was Here by Gayle Forman. Cody and Meg were inseparable. Two peas in a […]

What Are You Reading? (225)

Posted December 19, 2014 by Rowena in Features | Tagged: , , | 8 Comments
What Are You Reading? (225)

Rowena: I’m surprised at how much reading I’m getting done in the month of December. Usually, I’m not reading anything because I’m too busy with Christmas type things or getting blog stuff done before the end of the year but that’s not the case this year. This week I finished up the Ivy Years series […]

Monthly Reads: November 2014

Monthly Reads: November 2014

Holly: November was a pretty sad reading month for me. I read 18 books, but most of those were re-reads of Patricia Briggs books. I re-read both the Mercy Thompson and Alpha and Omega series’.  Of the 18 only 6 were new reads. Dragon Bound by Thea Harrison (re-read) | 4.75 out of 5 Bone Crossed by […]