Category: Features

WTF Cover Saturday (241)

Posted December 30, 2017 by Holly in Features | Tagged: , | 3 Comments
WTF Cover Saturday (241)

I found today’s cover on Goodreads. Y’all, I just can’t.. Look. Photoshop shouldn’t be abused like this. It’s just a mishmash, hodgepodge. No. So much no. Apparently the content isn’t much better than the cover. While browsing the reviews I came upon this gem: “That brutal erection again! It felt like a child’s arm was […]

What Are You Reading? (409)

What Are You Reading? (409)

Casee: Nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada. This is getting old. Holly: I didn’t have much reading time this week. I’d ended up doing some re-reads and that’s it. Here’s hoping next week is better. Rowena: It’s the last What Are You Reading post for 2017. Are you guys ready for the new year? I know that […]

Sunday Spotlight: An Ex for Christmas by Lauren Layne

Sunday Spotlight: An Ex for Christmas by Lauren Layne

Sunday Spotlight is a feature we began in 2016. This year we’re spotlighting our favorite books, old and new. We’ll be raving about the books we love and being total fangirls. You’ve been warned. 🙂 Merry Christmas Eve, everyone! We hope that you’re all settled in for a day of relaxing, spending time with loved ones […]

WTF Cover Saturday (240)

Posted December 23, 2017 by Holly in Features | Tagged: , | 2 Comments
WTF Cover Saturday (240)

Tracy sent me today’s cover. Y’all, there are some things you just can’t unsee… Tracy says: He’s looking down at his flexing pec saying, “Isn’t it magnificent?” She’s looking down saying, “Why is it doing that? Make it stop!” Holly says: WHY IS IT SHAPED LIKE THAT?!?

What Are You Reading? (408)

What Are You Reading? (408)

Casee: Somehow during the busiest time of the year, I have carved out a few minutes here and there to read. I’m reading two books. The first one is a political book. Because this is a safe place, I won’t mention which one. I will say that it is an interesting book. I’m also still […]