Author: Holly

Monthly Reads: August 2014

Monthly Reads: August 2014

Holly: August was a terrible reading month for me. I managed 16 books, but just barely. I wanted to read, I just couldn’t decide what. I really hate feeling so blase about my reading. Promise Me This by Christina Lee | 4.25 out of 5 Falling for Max by Shannon Stacey | 4.5 out of 5 […]

Review: Highland Groom by Hannah Howell

Review: Highland Groom by Hannah Howell

Howell follows pretty much the same formula for all her novels: tiny heroine with big personality falls for giant hero who is mistrustful because of a past girlfriend/mistress/wife who screwed him over. She decides to fight for his love by being herself and he falls for her in spite of his vow to hate all women, […]

Review: Night’s Honor by Thea Harrison

Review: Night’s Honor by Thea Harrison

Night’s Honor falls outside the other books in the Elder Races series. The timeline seems to run parallel to that of Lord’s Fall (Xavier leaves at one point to attend the Sentinel Games, which take place in LF),but has no direct relation with any of the threads Harrison is weaving in the other books. This is […]

WTF Cover Saturday (81)

Posted August 30, 2014 by Holly in Features | Tagged: , | 1 Comment
WTF Cover Saturday (81)

Today’s cover is kind of a mish-mash of WTF. It’s like two separate books in one. Hey, it’s a two-fer! Lucky us. First things first: This looks like 2 separate book covers in one. If I saw this on the shelf I’d think I was getting a twofer. Photoshop fail.  Also, what’s up with her arm? It […]

What Are You Reading? (213)

What Are You Reading? (213)

Holly: I’m still not reading as much as I’d like to be.  A big part of it is the return of the school year and my mom having surgery (she’s home now, but caring for her is a time consuming job). I read No Attachments by Tiffany King. Rowena and I will be reviewing this together […]