Author: Holly

Auto-Buy Authors Holly Stopped Buying

Auto-Buy Authors Holly Stopped Buying

This is a difficult topic for me, since a lot of these authors are still wonderful. Some I outgrew, some I plan to go back to at a future time, some I may never be able to read again. I stopped auto-buying all the authors on Rowena’s list awhile ago. Some others I stopped buying […]

Review: Archangel’s Prophecy by Nalini Singh

Review: Archangel’s Prophecy by Nalini Singh

Why does Nalini Singh hate me? Why?!? This was such an amazing book. I swear I got to the end and thought I was going to die. It’s possible I’m dead even now and writing this from hell, where Nalini Singh left me after she RIPPED MY HEART OUT. ::SOB:: Elena and Raphael have been […]

Review: On the Surface by Kate Willoughby

Review: On the Surface by Kate Willoughby

I requested this book from NetGalley back in 2014 because it’s a hockey book and I love hockey romances. Then I left it languishing for all these years. I’m trying to make a dent in my TBR pile, so I bought the audiobook for my commute. This was a sweet contemporary romance featuring a hockey […]

Sunday Spotlight: Kiss Me at Christmas by Valerie Bowman

Sunday Spotlight: Kiss Me at Christmas by Valerie Bowman

Sunday Spotlight is a feature we began in 2016. This year we’re spotlighting our favorite books, old and new. We’ll be raving about the books we love and being total fangirls. You’ve been warned. 🙂 I’m generally anti-Christmas until after American Thanksgiving, but I make an exception every year for holiday romances. I start stockpiling them […]

What Are You Reading? (+ Christine Warren Giveaway)

What Are You Reading? (+ Christine Warren Giveaway)

Casee: I’m still reading and listening to what I was reading and listening to last week. It’s very sad. I’m reading Vengeance Road by Christine Feehan and listening to Archangel’s Prophecy by Nalini Singh. We have family in town so I don’t have high hopes for reading this weekend. Wish me luck. Holly: I had […]