Author: Casee

Sunday Spotlight: Evidence of Desire by Lexi Blake

Sunday Spotlight: Evidence of Desire by Lexi Blake

Sunday Spotlight is a feature we began in 2016. This year we will continue to spotlight our favorite books, old and new. We’ll be raving about the books we love and being total fangirls. You’ve been warned. 🙂 It is not a secret around here that I will read anything that Lexi Blake writes. Anything. I […]

What Are You Reading? (+ Nicole McLaughlin Giveaway)

What Are You Reading? (+ Nicole McLaughlin Giveaway)

Casee: I am just finishing up Evidence of Desire by Lexi Blake. It is the second book in the Courting Justice series. I am finding it highly enjoyable. It is much better that Order of Protection, which is the first book. The hero is actually bearable. I’m also really enjoying the heroine. She seems like […]

Books to Binge On: January 2019

Books to Binge On: January 2019

Happy New Year from Book Binge! Are you guys ready to start the new year off with some fabulous books to binge on? Well, please let your friendly neighbors at Book Binge help. Here’s a list of books releasing in January that we think you should add to your TBR piles. The One You Fight […]