I started the River Rain series by Kristen Ashley. I read After the Climb & am now reading Chasing Serenity. I’m really liking it so far. After the Climb was an interesting one insofar as the h/h were in their 50’s. I think I appreciated this much more now in my 40’s than I would have in my 20’s. It was a really sweet story. I also finally have Things We Left Behind by Lucy Score in my hot little hands. I can’t decide if I’m going to read it or listen to it on audio.
I’m still listening to Maggie Moves on by Lucy Score. It’s slow going because I haven’t had the time nor inclination to listen to audiobooks right now.
I finished Freeing Luka by Victoria Aveline, then went on to read the rest of the series; Saving Verakko, Tempting Auzed, Using Fejo, Releasing Maladek, Resisting Maxu and Ruling Sikthand. I enjoyed the series and look forward to more in the future. I read Sebastian’s Fate by Rebecca Hefner, a new-to-me author. It was a quick, light read. I might pick up the first book in the series next.
I’ve been listening to old Julie Garwood favorites: The Wedding, The Secret and Saving Grace. I love these books, but I’ll be honest, the narrator of Saving Grace and The Secret is not my favorite. I also listened to Night Unbound by Dianne Duvall, a personal favorite. I also re-read Alpha and Omega and Cry Wolf by Patricia Briggs, The Hook Up by Kristen Callihan and Rock Addiction by Nalini Singh.
Over the past week ~
— I have about fifteen new library books here at home awaiting my attention, so naturally I am revisiting old favorites. I recently finished rereading Lab Rat One, Caszandra, and Gratuitous Epilogue.
— and then went on and finished the Touchstone series by rereading In Arcadia and Snow Day by Andrea K Höst.
— I also read many samples.
I just started ENTWINED WITH YOU, the latest in J. Kenner’s Stark Security series of romantic-suspense books. This features the “dead fiancée’s sister” trope—and I think I sense a twist coming, but we shall see.