I have been getting a lot of reading time in over the last few weeks. I’m still binging Claire Kinglsey. I can’t and won’t stop. I love her characters, the tropes, everything. I’m reading a series that she co-writes with Lucy Score called Bootleg Springs. It is a brilliant series. The two authors have created quite the world in Bootleg. I’m currently reading Gin Fling (Bootleg Springs #5) by Lucy Score. While I’m excited to finish this 6 book series, I’m a little sad. Bootleg Springs is where it’s at y’all.
I’m on a road trip this weekend and have downloaded Highland Conquest (Sons of Sinclair #1) by Heather McCollum. This is my first book by this author.
I am still barely reading. Work is killing me right now. Let’s hope it lets up soon. I finished The Purveli by Dianne Duvall and started the first book in her Immortal Guardians series, Darkness Dawns on audio. I also re-read three books in Kristen Ashley’s Fantasyland series, Wildest Dreams, The Golden Dynasty and Fantastical.
I just started Matchmaking for Beginners by Maddie Dawson for my book club.
@Casee: Preorder for Kingsley’s 6th and final Bailey Brothers book, REWRITING THE STARS, just went up today! Publication date is March 10. Can’t wait!
I’m currently reading Ella Frank’s WICKED HEAT, the first book in her new Chicago Heat series of m/m romances. It’s ok, but it has a really weird, almost gendered vibe. It’s almost as if Frank took an m/f romance and simply changed the name, pronouns, and gender details of the female MC and made them a male.
Since last week ~
— Paladin’s Hope (The Saint of Steel Book 3) by T. Kingfisher (a gift!) was a fun fantasy. While it could be read as a standalone, I think it works best to read the series in order.
— I was able to get some books via interlibrary loan so was able to continue on in a young adult science fiction series I recently started. I quite enjoyed Earth Star and Earth Flight by Janet Edwards. Be aware that the reader must be willing to suspend disbelief!
— a very short book, I Can’t Keep My Own Secrets: Six-Word Memoirs by Teens Famous & Obscure by Larry Smith and Rachel Fershleiser. This had a variety of entries many of which were poignant.
— the contemporary romance Pipe Dreams by Sarina Bowen; I enjoyed it but it’s not amongst my favorites by the author.
— just finished The Dry: A Novel by Jane Harper which my distant book group will be discussing next week. A mystery is a very atypical book for my group; I found it a gripping read and finished it in two days. And, no, I didn’t guess the murderer.