I’ve DNF’ed a couple of books this week, which is really unlike me. I’m usually in it to win it. I don’t like unfinished books. But honestly, I have too many books I want to read to read a book that isn’t good.
I DNF’ed Wicked Rule by K.I. Lynn. I just couldn’t do it. The hero was a complete ass. Today I am starting Trigger by J.L. Drake. It reads like it will be a MC book and I’m really excited. Fingers crossed.
My reading this week sucked. I re-read several books, but that’s pretty much all I had time for. I’m reading The Devil You Know by Kit Rocha and it’s slow going. This really has nothing to do with the book and is more about my reading mood. This morning I started Dark Horse by Michelle Diener (recommended to me here by Kareni). I’m really enjoying it.
Because the book I was waiting for this week (Ella James’s dark m/m, WRATH) was postponed yet again, I decided to read Amelia Wilde’s six-book Bliss Brothers series about six brothers who own a destination wedding resort. These books were published in 2019 and are a lot lighter than her more recent uber-dark stuff (which I like, but sometimes it’s nice to read something a little “fluffier”).
I’ve been reading Christmas ARCs.
Holly, I’m so pleased to hear that you’re enjoying Dark Horse! Now I’m tempted to re-read it.
Over the past week ~
— The Year’s Midnight (Death’s Lady Book 1) by Rachel Neumeier. I found this book in a Reddit thread that was asking for recommendations of fantasy books that contained a character undergoing therapy. It definitely has that, and I enjoyed the book. I’d like to read on in the series, but sadly my library does not have the sequels.
— Battle Royal by Lucy Parker which I quite enjoyed. I look forward to reading on in the series.
— and a true boatload of book samples. I had over 400 samples on my Kindle at one point and am now down to about fifty.
I had a really productive week thanks to a road trip and audiobooks. I got through both of Nalini Singh’s suspense novels – A Madness of Sunshine and Quiet in her Bones. I finished Listen to the Silence by Marcia Muller (#20 in Sharon McCone mystery series) and a Love Inspired Suspense, Widow’s Secrets by Shelley Shepard Gray. Really liked the Singh’s, the Muller was solid and the Gray was OK.