Tyrant by T.M. Frazier
Series: King #2
Also in this series: King, Lawless
Publisher: Self-Published
Publication Date: August 14, 2015
Format: eBook
Source: Kindle Unlimited
Point-of-View: Alternating Third
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Genres: Contemporary Romance
Pages: 292
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I. Remember. Everything.
Only now I wish I didn't.
When the fog is sucked away from my mind like smoke through a vacuum, the truth that has been beyond my reach for months finally reveals itself.
But the relief I thought I would feel never comes, and I'm more afraid now than I was the morning I woke up handcuffed in King's bed.
Because with the truth comes dark secrets I was never meant to know.
I will put the lives of those I love most at risk if I let on that my memory has returned, or if I seek help from the heavily tattooed felon who owns me body and soul.
I don't know if I'm strong enough to resist the magnetic pull toward King that grows stronger every day.
He's already saved me in more ways than one. Now it's my turn to do whatever it takes to save him.
Even if that means marrying someone else...Tyrant is a full length novel at 80,000 words.
King ended on one hell of a cliffhanger. Doe’s family showed up at King’s house and things start coming back to her. Her name is Ramie and she has a son and apparently a boyfriend. King’s plan to blackmail Ramie’s dad, the senator, went awry and now he’s lost both Ray and his daughter. After Ray was whisked away by her father, King is arrested. He thinks he’s being taken to the station, but it becomes fairly obvious that the man that has “arrested” him is no cop. In fact, the imposter’s intention is to kill King. I was never sure who actually was responsible for this part.
Ray wants to go back to King, but she can’t leave her son. She doesn’t exactly remember him, but she remembers feeling like a mother. Ray is not sure what to do now. When King shows up in her bedroom at her father’s house, she is shocked and thrilled. She tells him what has been happening since the last time that they saw each other. He apologizes for his nefarious plan to get his daughter back and Ray forgives him. How can she not when it was all for the daughter he lost?
King wants to take Ray and Sammy (her son) back to his house but Ray refuses. She needs to regain her memory completely before she can fully commit to King. She loves him to distraction, but she can’t exactly take Sammy away from his father. She also starts remembering her own father. Although they were on the outs for years, Ray starts to remember the good times with him. It was really heartwarming to read about her relationship with him before things got rocky.
In King, her friend Nikki stole money from King. On her way out the window, she tells Ray one thing… “Don’t trust the Tyrant.” At the time Ray had no idea what she meant. When it starts coming back to her, she realizes that the danger to her and her son is much closer than she could have ever conceived of. All she wants and needs is King. And he doesn’t let her down.
I really didn’t see the ending coming, but I generally don’t. This book was so satisfying to read. I really loved Ray finding her way back to herself. The ending was spectacular and I wouldn’t have had it any other way.
Rating: 4 out of 5.

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