What Are You Reading? (401)

Posted October 27, 2017 by Rowena in Features | 4 Comments


Casee: I’m still reading Hello Again by Brenda Novak and I still don’t care that I’m still reading it. I’m reading! I’m on a road trip so I expect to finish it this weekend and I can start new-to-me author Laura Kaye.

Holly: I finished the Rock Chick series with Rock Chick Reckoning and Rock Chick Reawakening. While I enjoyed certain aspects of each book, the series will never be my favorite. Then I read Radiance, Eidolon and A Matter of Trust by Grace Draven, a historical fantasy series. I adored Radiance and liked Eidolon, but it was much darker than the first. The change in tone was somewhat unexpected since the first book was a lighter read. A Matter of Trust is a short story that follows Radiance. It was cute. I enjoyed both full-length books and the novella, but I’m not quite ready to start the Master of Crows series, which is set in the same world.

I need a break and a palate cleanser so I’m reading Bountiful by Sarina Bowen.

Rowena: I can’t believe that we’ve been doing this feature for 401 weeks. We’ve been doing this for quite a while now. We’ve read hella books, too. 🙂 This week, it’s still a slow reading week for me because, at my house, the World Series has taken over. My Dodgers are playing and we’re hoping to bounce back from that game on Wednesday.

I was reading Hate to Want You by Alisha Rai but I’m not focusing on it so it’s taking a long time to read it so I think I’m going to put it down for now and read a baseball romance. Maybe that will be my ticket to focusing on reading since I’ve got baseball fever right now. I’m starting Changing the Game (Play by Play #2) by Jaci Burton. Wish me luck!

What are you reading this week? Any new favorites or books that drove you crazy? Share!

*edited to correct a spelling mistake 

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4 responses to “What Are You Reading? (401)

  1. Kareni

    Some recent reads here ~

    — Good Boy by Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy. This was an enjoyable contemporary romance that featured characters I’ve encountered in the authors’ other books.
    — Keepsake (True North Book 3) by Sarina Bowen ~ FYI: This book happens to be on sale for 99 cents currently. I enjoyed this contemporary romance; it’s a book I’ll be re-reading.
    — I then went on to read the next book in the series which I also enjoyed. Bountiful (True North Book 4) by Sarina Bowen. (You’re not the only one reading this, Holly. And incidentally, your term ‘pallet cleanser’ made me chuckle. I don’t think that is quite what you intended to say!)
    — Then I re-read another book by the author. My copy is titled In Front of God and Everyone by Nealy Wagner, but it’s since been reissued as Goodbye Paradise by Sarina Bowen.
    — the alien romance Roark (Women Of Earth Book 1) by Jacqueline Rhoades. This was an okay read; in its defense, I read it to the end which is more than I can say about any number of others books I’ve recently left unfinished!
    — the contemporary romance Montana Heat: Escape to You: A Montana Heat Novel by Jennifer Ryan. I had to push myself to finish it, so it’s not a book I’ll be likely to reread.
    — Tell the Wolves I’m Home: A Novel by Carol Rifka Brunt, a book that I’ll describe as moving. It’s the author’s first novel and was published in 2012; I’d happily read more when there is more to be read.
    — I read and enjoyed this currently free short story by Jamie Sedgwick ~ Worlds Apart. (FYI: the author has two full length books that are also now free: The Tinkerer’s Daughter and Death in the Hallows)
    — the alien romance ThunderClaw (Alien Warrior Book 2) by Penelope Fletcher. This was an okay read, but I doubt I’ll be re-reading it.
    — the alien romance The E.T. Guy (Office Aliens Book 1) by V.C. Lancaster. This was a pleasant read but not a book I expect to re-read.
    — another alien romance STOLEN BY AN ALIEN: An Alien Mate Romance by Amanda Milo. Once again, this was a pleasant read but not a book I expect to re-read.
    — And A Forbidden Rumspringa by Keira Andrews which was a very enjoyable re-read; it’s a male/male romance.

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