Monthly Reads: February 2015

Posted March 5, 2015 by Holly in Features, Giveaways | 11 Comments

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Holly:  February was the month of Nalini Singh and re-reads for me. Of 23 books, I read 3 new/upcoming releases. All the rest were either Singh’s or re-reads.


1. Lord of Scoundrels by Loretta Chase (re-read) | 5 out of 5
2. Heart of Obsidian by Nalini Singh | 4.5 out of 5
3. Tangle of Need by Nalini Singh | 4 out of 5
4. Bonds of Justice by Nalini Singh | 3.75 out of 5
5. Kiss of Snow by Nalini Singh | 4 out of 5
6. Play of Passion by Nalini Singh | 4 out of 5
7. Shield of Winter by Nalini Singh | 4.25 out of 5
8. Rock Addiction by Nalini Singh (re-read) | 4 out 5
9. Rock Courtship by Nalini Singh (re-read) | 4.25 out of 5
10. Rock Hard by Nalini Singh | 3.75 out of 5
11. Midnight Rainbow by Linda Howard (re-read) | 4 out of 5
12. Diamond Bay by Linda Howard (re-read) | 4 out of 5
13. White Lies by Linda Howard (re-read) | 4 out of 5
14. Heartbreaker by Linda Howard (re-read) | 3.5 out of 5
15. The Way Home by Linda Howard (re-read) | 3.25 out of 5
16. Overload by Linda Howard (re-read) | 3 out of 5
17. Golden Trail by Kristen Ashley (re-read) | 3 out of 5
18. Sweet Dreams by Kristen Ashley (re-read) | 4 out of 5
19. Rock Chick: Regret by Kristen Ashley (re-read) | 2.5 out of 5
20. Mate Bond by Jennifer Ashley | 3 out of 5
21. Deep by Kylie Scott | 3.75 out of 5
22. Midnight’s Kiss by Thea Harrison | 4 out of 5
23. Duncan’s Bride by Linda Howard (re-read) | 4.5 out of 5

My favorite reads of the month, excluding re-reads, were Heart of Obsidian and Shield of Winter by Nalini Singh, though I really liked all the Psy/Changeling books I read. Honorable mention goes to Midnight’s Kiss by Thea Harrison. I really liked Julian and Melly.

My least favorite read was Mate Bond by Jennifer Ashley. I liked the romance, but the suspense plot didn’t work for me.

Also? I need to write some reviews.

Rowena: I think I’m in a never ending reading slump. It comes and goes throughout the year but so far, this year? It is staying put. I’m kind of embarrassed at the amount of books that I read (and actually finished) this month.

Check it out:

1. Caressed by Ice (Psy/Changelings #3) by Nalini Singh | 4.75 out of 5
2. The Last Time We Say Goodbye by Cynthia Hand | DNF
3. Mine to Possess (Psy/Changelings #4) by Nalini Singh | 3.5 out of 5
4. Rock Hard (Rock Kiss #2) by Nalini Singh | 4.5 out of 5
5. Rock Courtship (Rock Kiss #1.5) by Nalini Singh (re-read) | 4.5 out of 5
6. The DUFF by Kody Keplinger | 4 out of 5
7. Hostage to Pleasure (Psy/Changelings #5) by Nalini Singh | 4.5 out of 5
8. The Summer of Chasing Mermaids by Sarah Ockler | 3.5 out of 5

My favorite read of the month is Caressed by Ice by Nalini Singh because Judd is a straight up studd. I loved the hell out of him and his story rocked my freaking socks. Honorable mentions go out to Rock Hard and my re-read of Rock Courtship. Both books rocked my socks but I loved Judd’s book just a tad bit more.

My least favorite read of the month is probably Mine to Possess since Tally drove me up the wall in that one. I didn’t hate it but I didn’t like Tally throughout a huge chunk of the book so I kept putting that one down.

I DNF’d The Last Time We Say Goodbye by Cynthia Hand, not because it wasn’t good but I wasn’t in the mood for it. I had to keep forcing myself to read the book but it’s a downer of a story and the writing itself was good but I didn’t want to get sucked into a book about grief so soon after my brother died and coming up on my Mom’s anniversary of her death. I’ll pick this one up again later and finish it.

This month we’re giving away:

Rock Hard by Nalini Singh (e-book copy)
Heart of Obsidian (print or digital, winner’s choice)

If you want to be entered to win, leave a comment on this post telling us what your favorite – and least favorite – reads of the month were. Also, be sure to tell us what book you’re interested in reading. You can put your name in for more than one book, but you’ll only be allowed to win one, so choose wisely.

So…what was your favorite read of the month? And your least favorite? Use the Rafflcopter Widget below to enter!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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11 responses to “Monthly Reads: February 2015

  1. lsureader

    I read 18 books in February, all new to me. My favorite was Shana Galen’s Earls Just Want to Have Fun. I loved it. I think it’s her best yet. My least favorite was by one of my favorite mystery/suspense authors, Karin Slaughter. Her Three Twisted Stories did not work at all for me. There were a couple of other books this month that I ranked as low, but this one was the most disappointing, probably because I’m used to giving all of Slaughter’s books high marks.
    If I win, I’d like a Kindle copy of Heart of Obsidian. Thanks.

  2. erinf1

    I only read 8 books in February. Not a big number but I’m slowly breaking free of my reading slump! My fav read was a tie between Soul Bound by Kristen Callihan and Unrestrained by Joey W. Hill. I’m keeping it a tie b/c they are completely different genres. Unrestrained was an erotic BDSM book about *adults* and it was refreshing to read about a growing romance without teenage/new adult angst. It was glorious!!! My least favorite read was Illusion by J.S. Cooper. The plot had huge holes and the heroine was tstl. I’m really looking forward to Rock Hard!!!! I’m slowly working my way through the Psy/Changeling series, just b/c I’m savoring them 🙂

  3. Kareni

    One of my favorite reads of February was a re-read ~ Joanna Bourne’s The Spymaster’s Lady. I also liked A Single Kiss by Grace Burrowes, Razed by Shiloh Walker, and House Immortal by Devon Monk. I was somewhat disappointed by Vivian Arend’s Wolf Signs; I’d hoped for a bit more story.

    I’d love to win a copy of Rock Hard. Thanks for offering the giveaway.

  4. CelineB

    I read a lot of great books in February. I’m trying to get the most out of my Scribd free trial so I’ve read a lot from there. I think my favorite read was Having Her by Jackie Ashenden but I also really enjoyed Hearts on Fire by Alison Packard. I also finally checked out the Arcadia Bell series by Jenn Bennett and loved the first three books.

    My least favorite was Potent Pleasures by Eloisa James. I listened to it on audio and kept thinking I should give up on it but I stuck with it. The hero was an idiot and the book was rather repetitive with the same misunderstandings happening over and over.

    I would love to win Rock Hard. Thanks for the giveaway!

  5. Christine

    I would love to read Rock Hard. I just finished The Deal by Elle Kennedy and loved it. To me, it is a great example of what a NA should be: sexy, funny, snarky, and yeah okay, throw a little angry on there, too. Then my post-book buzz faded a little when I read The Farther I Fall by Lisa Nicholas. Good effort by a debut author but it wasn’t real clear what she was aiming at, erotic rock star romance, PTSD broken NA-style drama or romantic suspense.

  6. JenM

    My favorite books last month were both UF. The Future Falls by Tanya Huff is the end to her Enchantment Emporium series, and Written in Red by Anne Bishop was just amazingly good. I’d never read anything by her before, but I’ve already bought the next two books in that series (so glad I didn’t have to wait for either of them). My least favorite was Act of Mercy by Mandy M. Roth. All I can say is at least it was free. I’m embarrassed to admit that I’ve never read any of the Psy/Changeling series, but I did recently try Rock Courtship and loved it so I’d be happy with either of Nalini’s books.

  7. I was not in love with Rock Addiction like everyone else seems to be, but I was quite intrigued by the sample of chapter of Rock Hard, so I want to try again with the series. Love the Psy/Changeling series though

  8. ML

    I really liked Complicated by Claire Kent. My weak book this month was Longing by Jamie Schmidt, a DNF for me. I’d love to be considered for Heart of Obsidian in print; thank you!

  9. Glenda S. Hefty

    I really like Julia Quinn’s Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy just because she really made me laugh. But then The Burning Room by Michael Connelly was really good too. It’s hard for me to pick favorites because I read quite a few really good books in February. I can’t really pick a least favorite but I will just say The Marriage Charm by Linda Lael Miller just because right off hand I can’t remember it at all. My short term memory isn’t good anymore so maybe not the book’s fault. At to my choice…I haven’t read this author at all so
    in a way I don’t care although I would prefer a book over an e-book.

  10. elena

    My favorite book in february was The Shadow Queen by Anne Bishop. I would love any of this books to win 🙂

  11. Kristine R

    I would like to read Obsidian by Nalini Singh. My favorite book in February was The Raven by Sylvain Reynard and my least favorite was Lara by Bertrice Small

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