What Are You Reading? (200)

Posted May 9, 2014 by Rowena in Features | 4 Comments


Rowena: I can’t believe that this week marks the 200th week that we’ve carried on this blog feature.  I think it’s the longest running feature we have here on the blog.  Yay us!

This week I didn’t do a lot of reading.  I just finished a re-read of Frigid by J Lynn and really enjoyed Kyler and Sidney’s romance.  Now, I’m going to buckle down and read Breakable by Tammara Webber.

Holly: I did a lot of rereading this week, but I also managed to read some new books, too. I read Then Came You by Jill Shalvis, Knight of My Dreams by Lynsay Sands, It Happened One Wedding by Julie James and The Kraken King Part IV: The Kraken King and the Crumbling Walls by Meljean Brook.

I also re-read five books this week. Not a bad reading week, all in all.

What are you reading?

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4 responses to “What Are You Reading? (200)

      • I liked it quite a bit, while agreeing with the criticism at Dear Author that it should have been much longer. The structure is kind of unusual, which didn’t really work for me. But I loved the setting, angst, and overall flavor.

  1. I actually had a lot of reading time this past week, and went on a Love Inspired Suspense bender, I read 11 in a row. Some were ok, some better than others. I particularly liked Zero Visibility by Sharon Dunn, and Treacherous Skies by Elizabeth Goddard. Now I’m back to Roz Denny Fox – I’ve been reading all of her backlist that I can find. I just finished The Cowboy Soldier, which was ok, and I’m currently three chapters into Family Fortune, which I think is going to one of her better books.

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