What Are You Reading? 7-29-11. (68)

Posted July 29, 2011 by Rowena in Features | 13 Comments

Rowena: It’s the last weekend of July (I can’t believe it’s August already) and I’m knee deep in a romance reading kick. I’ve read loads of romances in the last couple of weeks and am now showing any signs of stopping. I just finished Jill Shalvis’ Animal Attraction (YUM!) and am starting The Perfect Play by Jaci Burton. Yeah, I know- it’s about frickin’ time if you ask me. I picked it up around the time my Mom was in the hospital back in April but never got around to reading it so I’m reading it now, or I would be reading it now if I could stop staring at the cover. =)

Holly: OMG that Jaci Burton cover. drool I might need to go dig mine out so I can lick stare at it.

I’ve had a pretty good reading week so far. A lot of contemporaries. Yesterday I read Good Girls Don’t by Victorical Dahl. I was impressed with the growth of the heroine, but I was bothered by a lot of her actions throughout the book. This morning I started Bad Boys Do and so far it’s pretty great. I’m getting close to the end, so we’ll see.

Earlier this week I read Head Over Heels by Jilll Shalvis. I was worried going into it but it turned out great. I also read Sage Creek by Jill Gregory, another small town contemp. It was pretty good though I did have a few minor quibbles.

Casee: I’m reading Live Wire by Lora Leigh. It started out slow, but now I’m getting into it. I’ve been doing really good this month. Reading a lot more than I did. I have been going into a slow down though. Which is unfortunate. I blame it on the books. I just finished Skin Dive by Ava Gray and it took me three days to read. I was reading a book in 1-2 days so that really pulled me out of my routine. I was really disappointed in Skin Dive. I have loved all the books in the Skin series. Hopefully I’ll get around to reviewing it so I can tell you all the things I didn’t like.

What are you reading?

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13 responses to “What Are You Reading? 7-29-11. (68)

  1. Just finished A Young Wife by Pam Lewis and Heartsight by Kay Springsteen – both very good. Now reading The Moment by Douglas Kennedy.

  2. Kim

    I just finished The Secret Mistress by Mary Balogh. It started off a bit slow, but it wound up being a very sweet love story.

  3. Anonymous

    I’m still in the middle of The Sweetest Thing by Jill Shalvis. I’m enjoying it so far. I need to find some time and finish it soon so I can start Animal Magnetism by Shalvis.

    Holly, will you be posting a review for Head Over Heels anytime soon? I’m really looking forward to reading about Chloe and Sawyer.


  4. I just finished Miranda Neville’s “The Amorous Education of Celia Seaton” and am starting either Nalini Singh’s “Archangel’s Blade” (an ARC) or Heather Vogel Frederick’s “Dear Pen Pal” (YA).

  5. Just finished Seaside Letters last nite and had company all day – so have to go to my tbr to see what is up next.

    If you want a good read, try Jane Sullivan’s Black Ties and Lullabies –
    good storyline, great characters and funny funny dialogue. I know I recommended this on a few blogs – if I already did her, sorry. But it was wonderful.

    Love my contemps and will have to look into Sage Creek.

  6. Just starting Victoria Dahl’s Just One Taste novella in The Guy Next Door anthology. I wanted to read that before reading Good Girls Don’t although it’s probably not necessary.

    Also reading Maria Snyder’s YA Outside In.

  7. Anonymous

    Right now I’m mostly reading Harlequins, for a group project over at GoodReads. Rereading Robyn Donald’s Dark Fire, which is very intense. Looking forward to being done though, so I can start the next “Night Huntress” book! — willaful

  8. Marie

    Oh my gosh, I read Intervamption and LOVED IT! So good! For a new author I think it’s the best I’ve read lately.

    Just One Taste was good too, but I love pretty much anything by Victoria Dahl.

    I haven’t read anything by Jill Shalvis yet, but maybe I’ll look her up.

  9. Just finished a trilogy by Doranna Durgin and am agonising about which book to read next off my TBR pile. Do I go for Nalini Singh, Lynn Viehl or Cynthia Eden. Decisions, decisions!

  10. Oh I read The Perfect Play a couple of weeks ago and really liked it! My 12 year old son wasn’t very happy with me asking him to carry the book because of the cover though! lol

    I am reading The Heir by Grace Burrowes at the moment and really enjoying it.

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