It’s August 1st, What Are You Reading?

Posted August 2, 2010 by Holly in Features | 5 Comments

Holly: My reading took a dive last week. I had to go out of town unexpectedly, and I didn’t get much reading in while I was away. I did manage to finish Three Nights with a Scoundrel by Tessa Dare (look for a review tomorrow) and I have to say it was my favorite of the trilogy. Yesterday I read Wicked Intentions by Elizabeth Hoyt and really enjoyed it. I’m anxious for the next book in the series.

Today I’m reading A Hellion in Her Bed by Sabrina Jeffries. I’ve been chomping at the bit for this book since about .2 seconds after I finished the first book, The Truth About Lord Stoneville. I adore the Sharpe family, and so far Jerret’s book isn’t a disappointment.

Casee: I’m reading Maybe This Time by Jennifer Crusie. Really what she says in the beginning says everything about why I love her. I wish I had it with me. It was like “This book takes place in 1992. Just because I wanted it to.”

And I have Holly and Rowena to thank for my love of JC.They’re so wonderful and amazing. I should tell them more often than I do, and not rub in their faces that I’m reading the new JC and THEY AREN’T. (H: not that we’re bitter or anything…) (R: HURRY UP!)

Rowena: The last wedding of the summer was on Friday and then my nephew got baptized yesterday and then there was a family blessing this morning so my weekend has been totally strapped so right now I’m not reading anything.

Tonight, I plan on starting Luck be a Lady by Cathie Linz. I’ve got my fingers crossed on that. Over the week, I didn’t read too much but I’m hopeful for this week.

So what about you guys? What are you guys reading this week?

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5 responses to “It’s August 1st, What Are You Reading?

  1. Anonymous

    About 8 different books, but mostly Melusine by Sarah Monette. It’s so intense I keep needing breaks, though. — willaful

  2. Luci

    Read my first Jo Goodman – One Forbidden Evening and really enjoyed it. Ordered the sequal.

    Am continuing J D Robb’s Visions In Death which I had put aside a while back when i was going through a book slump.

    Received lots of good books, Jennifer Ashley, elizabeth Hoyt, Eloisa James and ordered Tessa Dare and Erin mcCarthy’s latest, so have lots of great reading to look forward to.

  3. Lori

    OMG – I am totally jealous that you’re already reading A Hellion in Her Bed!! Dying for that one!!

    I just bought a ton of romantic suspense, but I seem to be on a bit of an istorical binge, so I’m cleansing my palette right now with the latest Cindy Dees book (SRS, formerly SIM). It’s Howdy’s story! Then I should be ready for some more intense RS.

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