What Are You Reading? July 25, 2010 (17)

Posted July 25, 2010 by Holly in Features | 7 Comments

Holly: I’m going to be out of state until Wednesday to attend a funeral. I’m not sure how much reading time I’ll have, but I brought several books with me, most of them historicals. That’s what I seem to be in the mood for lately. I have Wicked Intentions by Elizabeth Hoyt, All Night with a Rogue by Alexandra Hawkins and Hunting Julian by Jacquelyn Frank. My plan is to finish all of them, but who knows if that’ll actually happen.

Rowena: With one of my best friends getting married yesterday and all of the last minute preparations we did over the week for the big day yesterday, I got absolutely NO reading done this week. Well, unless you count finishing Finding Perfect by Susan Mallery at work but aside from that, I didn’t read anything. There wasn’t any time, not even before bed because as soon as I got home from all of my wedding errands, I was too exhausted to think of much else outside of sleep. I had to start going into work early so that I could get off while there was still light outside and well, anyway…I’m still reading The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and I will be finishing it today and then I’m going to move on reading a chick lit, I’m not sure which but I’ll comment on this thread when I find that out.

Casee: I went to this awesome used book store yesterday and came away with a $60 haul. The reason we originally went is because my mom wanted to go and see if they had To Kill a Mockingbird. She wouldn’t buy it on her Kindle because she is going camping and she never takes her Kindle when she’s camping. She’s overly protective of her Kindle that way.

Right now I’m lucky enough to be reading Lie with Me by Stephanie Tyler. The title is perfect because it’s all about lies and intrigue and suspense and romance. Everything that makes a book great this book has it. This book is kicking off Steph’s Shadow Force series, which is going to be amazing, yo. Make sure to keep checking back because we’re going to have Steph guesting and be giving away both of the back to back releases of Lie with Me and Promises in the Dark.

Compared to the last few weeks of our WAYR feature, I’m extremely talkative today, aren’t I? I just can’t help it. I also found the first three books of Rhyannon Byrd’s Primal Instinct series. So I’ll be diving into those as soon as I’m done with what I’m reading now!

What are you reading on this last Sunday in July?

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7 responses to “What Are You Reading? July 25, 2010 (17)

  1. You ladies have been doing a lot of great reading :)!!

    I just finished up Nowhere to Hide by Terry O’dell and Awakened by a Kis by Lila DiPasqua. Not sure what I’ll be starting tonight yet.

    Pam S

  2. goddessani

    I finished two books today: You’re the One That I Want by Alison Winn Scotch and Natural Disaster by Chris Owen.

    I just started Chasing Smoke by K.A. Mitchell.

  3. ritu

    Last week and a half was a reading binge for me! I read the first 6 books of Nalini Singh’s Psy-Changeling series. Yes, I just started on her series last week. I had heard of her, but was put off by the cover. Really. I like the Guild HUnter covers better. And, demon Moon by Meljean Brook. Yes, I just started on her series. Finished re-reading Seperate Beds by LaVryle Spencer and the Rake by Suzanne Enoch.

    I’m positively amazed, astounded by myself *g*. Off to London’s Perfect Scoundrel now.

  4. Luci

    I must really start reading Stephenie Tyler. Have been hearing great things about her books.

    After some so ans so histrical romances I picked up Rose Lerner’s In For a Pound and loved it. Now I am reading Erica Ridley’s Too Wicked to Kiss and I am really enjoying it too.

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