It’s 7/11 – What Are You Reading?

Posted July 11, 2010 by Holly in Features | 14 Comments

Holly: I’m amazed at how fast this year is flying by. It’s July, y’all. July! How did that happen? I was just looking at my Goodreads shelves and unless my numbers are off, I’ve read 93 books so far this year. I’m trying for 144 this year, and I think I’ll be able to pull that off if I keep up this pace.

We’re out camping this weekend, so who knows how much I’ll actually be able to read, but I brought Burning Up by Susan Andersen and Money, Honey by Susan Sey (she’ll be guest blogging on Wednesday!) with me. I hope to finish at least one of them.

I just finished reading I Kissed an Earl by Julie Ann Long. The story was wonderful and absolutely what I’ve come to expect from Long, but the editing was terrible. Seriously terrible. There were typos every few pages – bad ones – and the hero said and did everything ironically. Every.single.thing. If he made a gesture, it was made ironically. If he made a statement, it was made ironically. It drove me batty.

Rowena: I can’t believe how fast this year is flying by. So much is happening right now (with weddings and Brenna’s basketball) that I’m surprised that I’ve been reading as much as I have but what can I say? I’m a sucker for a book and I’ll always find time to read (even when it’s at my desk at work when I’m supposed to be working).

This week I’ve read a bunch of stuff. I’ve read Life of a Poser by Beth Killian (The 310 series, Book 1) and that book was pretty crazy then I read Airhead by Meg Cabot which was another start to what I already know is going to be a crazy series and I’m finishing up Love Me If You Dare by Carly Phillips. After I finish this book, I’m trying to decide between Burning Up by Susan Andersen and Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. I have both to read, I’m just trying to figure out which one I’m going to read first.

Casee: July has really sucked for me so far. I’m only on my third book of the month. I’m reading Atlantis Betrayed by Alyssa Day. I’m only on the second chapter. I’m really into paranormals. Next up I have The Darkest Lie by Gena Showalter. I found it at the used bookstore today and was pretty excited.

I’m really, really hoping that July will pick up for me. Please give me some ideas!! I would greatly appreciate it.

What are you reading?

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14 responses to “It’s 7/11 – What Are You Reading?

  1. Ladies, I just finish reading Haunting Warrior by Erin Quinn and I loved it! It was much easier to read than Haunting Beauty and I only put it down once to eat dinner. I would definitely recommend reading this! I’ve started A Vintage Affair by Isabel Wolff and am not too far in it yet to make a judgement, but so far, so good!

  2. Reading is still spotty over here but I confess that I did a double take when I read that Casee is reading Atlantis Betrayed–I was all, “I didn’t know it was out already!” (way to scare the unwary, woman!)

    But I did read Kris Kennedy’s The Irish Warrior (which I won over here a few weeks ago) and hopefully will write a review for it *crossing fingers*

    Right now I’m reading Dakota Cassidy’s My Way to Hell

  3. Anonymous

    I started the free ebook of His Lady Mistress by Elizabeth Rolls. It’s really good so far. — willaful

  4. I just finished Insatiable by Lauren Dane LOVED it and Triple Knot by Nikki Soarde, very good.

    I am working on Beast Behaving Badly by Shelley Laurenston (great as always) and A Home for Christmas by Deborah Staley, a nice, small town contemporary.

  5. MJFredrick

    I’m reading Earth to Betsy by Beth Patillo. Also, one of Stephanie Tyler’s Blaze’s but I can’t think of the title. It’s a reunion romance and I LOVE those.

  6. Lori

    I’ve had a strange week. Normally I never dither over what to read next, but I’ve been wishy washy. So far I’ve read Unbridled by Beth Williamson, Twice Tempted by a Rogue, and I just cracked open Cold Sight.

  7. Luci

    I am reading JoAnn Ross’ Shattered – third book in the High Risk series and i am enjoying it a lot. I was wary of starting this one as Crossfire didn’t work out so well for me.

  8. @Chanpreet I was going through books to take to the ubs and saw Haunting Beauty in my piles. I might have to give it a go next.

    @AL I thought it was out at the end of this month. After your comment I looked and saw it wasn’t out until September. I officially suck.

  9. The only book I really enjoyed this week was Wicked Becomes You by Meredith Duran. I’m definitely going to read her others. Everything else I read was just kind of blah – good potential, but no follow-through. I think I’ll read Second Chance Pass, Book 5 in Robyn Carr’s Virgin River series next. I know I’ll like it – I’m totally hooked on that series.

  10. goddessani

    I am reading The Madness of Lord Ian MacKenzie (because I read about it here!), Grave Secrets (Charlaine Harris), Ten Things I Love About You (Julia Quinn) and The One that I Want (Allison Winn Scotch).

    I had just picked up the Quinn last night but I’m going to put it aside for now because I got Lord Ian and Grave Secret at the library today. One will become my evening book and the other my bed book. The Winn Scotch is my lunch book.

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